
Is this a good introduction to London life for visitors to this country?

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  1. i wish i had been there to watch - it seems a good laugh.

    i would imagine that most foreigners would have enough intelligence to realise that it is not something that happens all the time and is not a tradtion(unless they were americans LOL).

  2. Maybe it was a warning to those on the sightseeing bus who hadnt paid their fare ............... this is the sort of thing that can happen to you.

  3. a punchup in front of a busload of tourists?

    myb the bus driver saw his wife in the van after a quarrel over tea during breakfast.

    or the van driver swerved and spilled the bus drivers fish and chips and tea...(tea in uk is like tea in china very reverred....)


    its just a welcoming dance like the maoris brushing nose thing....

  4. the noble art of boxing, Marquis of queensbury rules need not apply

  5. Well they are seeing some interesting cultural phenomena.

    Juts think, in the States this would have turned into a fully fledged gun battle.

  6. Yes it shows them how we all live in harmony with each other.

    Erm, its the same the world over, tempers flare in traffic.

  7. Yes, I personally think that this is a very good representation of the country. People so frustrated that they are ready to snap and cause chaos. As this man did.

    There must be issues in his head that made him do this. Don't judge him too harshly.

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