
Is this a good laptop that I am waiting for to buy?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me if this is a good laptop, because I am waiting for it since it is out of stock here in my city. Should I wait for it or go over it? THANKS




  1. No, that is not a good one, I dont know what these people are thinking.

    First, it has a pitiful graphics card, which has no gaming capability at all, none, zip, zilch. It is the least powerful card available on the market today.

    Secondly, the cpu is dated, it uses a 667mhz FSB core 2 duo, but all core 2 duos made in the last year have 800mhz FSB.

    Thirdly, it has a low resolution monitor, which means lower detail.

    Fourthly, its is not a deal, it is about $200 more than it should be.

    If you play games, you should spend a little more and go with a Asus laptop, with a Nvidia 8600 or 9500, and a resolution of at least 1440 by 800.

    If you do not game, then you dont need a powerful cpu, or a great deal of ram, or a high resolution screen, but that doesnt mean that the computer you are looking at is good.

    For the same price, you can get a lenovo (previously IBM) x61, with one of the extremely low voltage core 2 duos, 3gb of ram, 250gb hard drive, and a 8 cell battery for under $700. Why go with this laptop over the one you listed? It has 4 times the battery life. Yes, 4 times the life. It lasts for nearly 8 hours, and at least a solid 7 hours. Almost an entire work day. The only computer in the world that has a longer battery life is the x200, which lasts a solid 8 hours, but costs $1000.

    Dont let the low voltage cpu fool you, its still a core 2 duo, although it is only 1.3ghz. Here is the thing, I have a 1.6ghz, and I can clock it down to half speed and it will still do everything I tell it to do, exactly as well as it did before. The only thing it effects if gaming performance, but if you dont game you will never tell the difference. It runs fast, smooth, and for a long time.  

  2. yep,that's a good one ;D

  3. That's a pretty good deal for that laptop.  TigerDirect, which is usually the lowest, has it for more.  Make sure you check the shipping though.  

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