
Is this a good laptop to buy?

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The lap top I want to buy is the Acer Aspire Intel Atom N270 Processor 1.60GHz Netbook (AOA110-1531) - Bilingual. Is this a good computer? all I want to know is it good enough for some music on it and some photos. any photos i will put on it will go straight on a disc and be removed from the pc so really there will only be music.. probably only about 150-200 songs.. this computer is going to be for my homeschooling too, so is it fast? heres the website if you wanna look at it

thanks for your help :)




  1. Get a Macbook !!! they are the best for photos, music, movies, and are awesome. With a mac, all the necessary software and add-ons are included, and you can start as soon as you take it out of the box.

    Good luck,

    You wont regret it....  

  2. sounds fine  its  actually over compensation for what you want it to do  

  3. The computer you are looking at will work for your needs, however, be aware of a few things.

    1.  It is NOT a fast computer.  It is a very low-powered, processor designed for maximum battery life.

    2.  This machine run Linux, forget playing ANY windows games on it.  If you only play things like solitare etc, that's fine, it will have those kinds of games available for it.  Also online "flash" and Java based games will work.

    3.  Have you actually SEEN this laptop in person?  It is a "net book" and therefore is VERY, VERY compact.  It is consiered an "ultra-portable" machine.  Make sure you actually see it in person before you get it...

    4. There is no "traditional"  hard drive in it, the drive is "solid state"... this is good from a ruggedness standpoint, but the capacity is not nearly what traditional laptop hard drives are coming with now.  Again, it is enough to hold plenty of pictures and songs, but you won't be keeping hundreds of thousands of pictures on the system.

    5.  It runs linux.. I know I mentioned it before, but do you realize what it means that it will NOT run ANY windows programs?  I, personally, would LOVE this laptop, and actually will be getting one for my wife for Christmas, BUT, having ran linux for the past 8 or more years, I know what it can do and what it can't.  This particular system has been "optimized" for user friendliness, I really don't think you will have a problem transitioning to it, but it WILL be different that what you are used to.  Except for games, there is an "equivilent" of almost any windows program available for LInux, and the GOOD thing is, 99.9% of them are FREE.  You won't have to worry at the moment about viruses, security etc.  The system will be a lot more responsive and faster than the same hardware running windows, and you will likely come to enjoy the Linux experience, but, please do keep in mind that it will be different.

    Linux is no harder to learn than Windows, actually, probably easier, but you learned windows gradually, you had no "expectations on how things would work".  You had to learn all that as you went along.  When switching to Linux from a Windows environment, you also bring along your "expections" of how things SHOULD work.  "This is how I did it in Windows!!!"  For the most part those things you have learned in windows will work in Linux also, just as those things you learned using windows will also be very likely to work on a Mac, but there ARE differences... Keep that in mind if you get this laptop as you start working with it.

    In some instances you may prefer the way windows does something, in many more instances you will probably come to appreciate how Linux works.  

    It should be a good netbook for you, and I think you will enjoy the incredibly small size of it, long battery life etc.

  4. ı think the mac book is not good that much..

    because it is SO slow and not ok with everything i mean it doesn't agree all programs..

    teh laptop you said sounds good, it is all about why you'll use it...

    if u wanna use it for fun it is enough.! u can buy it!

  5. just remember that that lapyop only has a 8" screen its more of a sub notebook for like doing small tast like bringing it to school and coping folders/programs etc. if you want it for that its good but if your getting a laptop you will be on all the time get one with a bigger screen like a hp or dell or macbook something  

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