
Is this a good learning method for children?

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The old days produced much better students because if you made a mistake you were allowed to simply smack the kids head. So is it right that if anytime a kid makes a mistake even from a baby that a quick swipe across the back of the head is going to prove effective in increasing their intelligence? OR is this simply an old wives tale?

Note: Fact of life, if someone steals your car or breaks a window. You use a steel pole to smack their head they quickly learn not to do it again. This usually is 100% effective from what ive experienced.




  1. You are a sick puppy. Fear does wonderful things doesnt it?

  2. Sorry to say both r wrong. The best way to get intelligent is to study,and do it repeatitively.The brain  makes a pathway for things done many brushing ur teeth!!

    So if u read the same stuff(revision), u will recollect n do well.

    Application of knowledge also important.

    As far as the car thief is concerned,u might land in jail for abuse.It is in my country!! good luck.

  3. not sure about the babies

    but i agree with the steel pole on the car thief. they should soon learn!

  4. lol no dont be daft  

    as 4 seconed part yes very efective but ileagle

  5. Well if it worked for children surely you would only have to do it once. If you have to keep smacking the child EVERY time, then its not very effective is it?

  6. If you smacked a baby every time they touched something they weren't meant to they would end up with brain damage. Babies haven't yet developed the intellegence to understand consiquence as say a 5 year old would. My 1 year old knows what no means and when i say no she stops touching the dvd player for example, but then smiles and touches it again because although she knows what no means she doesn;t fully understand consequesnce.  I would never smack her

    I think smacking older kids will teach them that the only way to get someone to do as you say it to hit them. Not very good, if your someone's boss for example. They are other ways to discipline don't you think?

  7. Wow.

  8. stop trolling, thanx for 2points.

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