
Is this a good lunch?

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this is a normal lunch for me at school... i have either a game or some type of practice after school [volleyball or cheer]

a pb&j on wheat bread, a small bag of flat earth chips, and a banana w/ water

and on other days i do

a pb&j w/ one peice of wheat bread, one of cinnamon [lowfat] bread, w/ strawberries and bananas IN the sandwhich, a small bag of low fat chips, w/e they may be, and sometimes a granola bar, w/ water




  1. Well, to me that sounds like not a lot of food, but that may just be the male in me. But it sounds nutritious and energizing.

  2. mmmmm! that sound pretty good and healthy 2

  3. omg those are all soo good! i think maybe water, pb&j, granola bar and some chips. mostely healthy stuff.  

  4. yeah!~

    answer mine thnkx;...

  5. It seems like a little bit too little! You're a cheerleader and a volleyball player, so you should eat a little more because I'm sure you burn off a lot of calories and you can actually lose lots of weight and even get low blood sugar. Props for being in volleyball and cheer at the same time!

  6. add some cheese to it!
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