
Is this a good motorcycle helmet?

by  |  earlier

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how good of a helmet is that and is it a good deal for $50?





    The advice about not buying online is really sound. I went to a local dealer and tried them on. They had a sale going so they were close to the Internet price. I bought a spare from an online place though. They were clearancing them, and the price was too low to pass up. I like having an extra helmet for passengers. It's an EXO400 by Scorpion. It's a great helmet at a pretty reasonable price. It is both DOT and Snell. Any helmet is better than no helmet at all, but that is one piece of gear that I wouldn't take shortcuts on. Most other safety gear can be bought used off of ebay.

    Good luck!

  2. to all you smart@sses saying that if its DOT than its good.... bs! Half helmets get DOT stickers.... will they protect you? no.

    I would not take a helmet unless it has SNELL sticker right under the DOT.

  3. Nearly all helmets are made with a foam core that absorbs the energy from an impact.  The main difference is the cushion comfort and the outer shell.  Plastic helmets are a little heavier, or you can opt for a more expensive carbon fiber helmet which is lighter in weight. Arai and Shoei are racing helmets, lightweight and aerodynamic.  They may have more air vents and more comfortable cushioning.  Helmets are a personal choice. You have to try it on to see if it is a good fit for you.  Some brands may fit you better than others.  

    I probably would not buy a $50 helmet, unless I was able to see it and check out the features.  I bought a $250 Icon helmet on sale for $200, but I also have an HJC and a $400 Shoei.  I perfer for my helmets to be DOT and SNELL approved.  I'm just extra careful like that.

  4. I'd pass on this helmet because the DOT rating is much less strict compared to a Snell Foundation rating [which is the highest tested helmet rating].  Again, look for Snell Foundation rated helmets - they are much stronger and safer than DOT rated helmets.

    Good luck!

  5. im sure the helmet is fine because it is DOT.  the thing is you are talking about your head and trust me from a guy who has been hit head-on and did a face plant, dont go bargin shopping.  none of us ever plan on getting into a accident or think we ever will but that danger is always out there so dont go cheap.  i use arai, but shoei and suomy are also really good.  yes they are on the expensive side so if you want the best middle of the road in price helmet go with hjc they are very well made.  look on ebay for good deals thats where i get all my lids

  6. if you have a 50 dollar head get a $50 helmet, when it comes to safety equipment buy the best you can

  7. no get an arai

  8. This probably isn'tt the answer you want, but Iwouldn't't recommend buying from the internet.

    Always go to a store and have a helmet fitted. They can give you the best deals or recommend some second hand ones if your strapped for cash.

    Try on lots of different types, because some will fit you better than others. You don't wanna risk buying one from the internet to find out it doesnt fit properly, then having to pay postage to ship it back again - if they'll take it.

    Be safe x

  9. no, how about this helmet for a good coconut cage

  10. It's okay as $50.00 helmets go.  It's DOT approved, so it's better than NO helmet.  How much is YOUR head worth to you?  

    My wife and my daughter tried the Hawk and they seem to like it pretty well.  I don't find it that comfortable.  Everybody is a little different.

    My opinion (for what it's worth) would be to spend a little more for a Snell-approved helmet.  JC Whitney has some Snell helmets for less than $100.00.  Again, how much is your head worth?  It's a decision only YOU can make.

  11. no its a full face,,,,,not good.

  12. It's a DOT helmet according to the website.  DOT is the most strict regulations for motorcycle helmets as far as safety is concerned.  So, if you're looking for an inexpensive helmet and are concerned about safety, then yes.  Get this helmet.  As far as comfort, I can't answer for that.  I have several HJC helmets.  I've always liked HJC.  Durable and comfortable.  They're inexpensive as well.  I have HJC dirt bike helmets, and HJC road bike helmets.  Earlier this year, I went to get a new dirt bike helmet since they get beat up pretty good.  I was planning on spending up to $500 on a helmet.  After trying everything on, I wound up just getting another $80 HJC helmet.  Can't go wrong.  

  13. I got a helmet from the same place and thought it was great....until I went into a store and tried one on.  My old helmet was heavy, and did not have a great view out.  Unless you have direct experience with a helmet make and model, I'd reconsider buying one off the net.  That other guy is right, a full face helmet should have a DOT and Snell rating on it.  Even those German novelty helmets have DOT on them

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