ok here's the situation:
I really like a girl, but she's going out with a guy right now, she says she dates a lot of guys so idk how long it's gonna last, but here's the reason why I'm asking this, SHE KNOWS I LIKE HER!!! She ask me when I was talking to her on AIM and I answered that I like her and I explained why I like her (she's cute, VERY pretty, polite, smart, ect.) and we used t be friends but now it's kinda akward when I'm near her. I start to see black every time I'm near her and I think I'm gonna faint every time. IDK what to do please help! I also asked her if she liked me she said as a friend. and the guy she's been dating with they've been going out for I think half a year. So please any advice for me will be appreciated . Also please tell me if this is a good or bad situation!
FYI I haven't talked to her since then except a little bit in AIM though I haven't talked to her about breaking up with her BF or anything like that I haven't talked to her about that I like her since I told her in AIM I just talk to her since we are friends and act like that never happened