
Is this a good party idea for my B-day for me?

by  |  earlier

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Iwant to have it at the beach. we could have a BBQ. We could have a water balloon toss, water balloon hot potato (poke a hole in balloon and toss till the water gets out), limbo, water sponge relay, three legged race and more. We also might roast marshmallows and it is hawaiin theme by the way. We might have aloha burgers and hotdogs. We also could go swimming and boogie boarding. we will have leis and tropical punch to drink. cool decorations and stuff. rate this from 1 - 10 and give suggestions.




  1. 10.

    Sound's like a lot of fun,

    the only thing is, if  your older

    then you should maybe not play

    all those games,

    because they could be a hit,

    or just be boring.

    so definatly go swimming, limbo,

    bbq, roast marshmellows, play beach volleyball,

    frisbee, water balloon fights maybe?

    not sure.

    sounds good though. ;D

  2. You never mentioned skinny dipping, thats part of a beach party.. lol

    great ideas .. enjoy

  3. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

    ^ if that # even exists!!


  4. 100 I wish I was one of your friends

  5. My rating - 7.5

    What about the bonfire?


  6. 9000826451! sounds like SOOOOO much fun!

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