
Is this a good photo?

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Why or why not? Thanks :)




  1. Yes it is because it captures the moment of innocence.

  2. yes and no.

    yes because he is cute.

    no because he looks emo and sad.

  3. yes, but i don't like that his eyes appear to be closed. Also can't tell the orientation as in was the baby sleeping on his back, but the photo flipped around.

    So i like it, but there is something odd about it.

    It would be fun to take a series of shots of your sleeping baby.

  4. It needs work, although you have the concept.

  5. YES!! i take lots of Photos, and every once in a while you get a tingly feeling thinking that just says 'WOW  this one is really awesome" this is one  of those pics, i love it!

  6. well the baby has little rolls of flab...

  7. It's a silent and meaningful art....

    The baby on the picture symbolizes innocence and purity...

    However since baby's head turns down i think it only implies that the baby is looking for something. If this was a painting, the painter is trying to express his personal feelings and life experience through the picture of the baby. He probably is in need of love and attention that he had never experienced before.

  8. Wonderful question.

    Of course art photography is totally subjective.

    And for commercial photography the answer is completely different.

    In both cases you need to ask "what am I trying to show or communicate with this photo".

    For instance, this beautiful child has incredible hair and skin, even visible in a monochrome shot.

    You might say that the blanket fold in the dark area and the blanket folds around the torso and arms detract from the focus on the beauty of the child.

    However, if you are trying to tell a story about a cozy baby all tucked in, then the blanket folds are important clues.

    Should the photo be in color or monochrome? Again depends on what you are communicating. A warm color skin tone might communicate emotional closeness. But B&W focuses the viewers attention more on the incredible skin texture.

    All photos must be judged in the context of the story you are telling.

    Keep up the great photo work, you are lucky to have such a perfect child. Godspeed.

  9. hmmmmm....i would say so

  10. this pic is a good one but not very good. actually there is a cute baby who is sleeping but it should have shown the full of his innocent face to make the pic look better . the pic is hiding some part of his face actually.

  11. awww ya that baby is sooo cute : )

  12. I love the texture and everything, I'm just not sure what I'm looking at to be honest.  I mean I know it's a kid, but is she sleeping?  And if she is, I feel like the photo should be rotated.  I think it just lacks a touch of life, like he looks kind lifeless.  I can definitely tell you know what you're doing though!

  13. I like it, but I think you need to get your brightness and contrast levels better.

    The shading seems a bit off if that makes sense.

  14. I/m no expert, but something is off about it--looks like you tried to take a candid but tried too hard if that makes sense...

  15. Oh, I love that photo. I love black and white, and portraits. And what an interesting angle and pose. I like this one a lot! I see that its entitled "At Total Peace", but it looks to me like this guy has the weight of the world on him.

  16. No.It's cute but you need more focus,I can definitely tell that you're taking it with a non-professional camera

  17.    It's mysterious and dramatic, it tells me the baby is either tired or sick or maybe deep in thought.  I like it other than the distracting blanket at the bottom.  It draws my eyes down and to the left instead of towards the face of the child, where the story of this photo is.

  18. Coming from a photographer, no.

    Here's why:

    Basic rules of photography such as the rule of thirds are not being applied here...too much empty space on the buttom right.

    Second broken rule is the fact that you cut vital peices of the main subject matter dont want 3/4 of a face.

    Black and white photo generally means black and white, not black and gray. Id suggest using photoshop, or if you dont have photoshop, download a program called "GIMP" and increase the contrast of the photo. it will greatly help it.

    A+ for originality though...i mean it...every baby photo i see has the moms hands in the photo, the classic butt crack, bottel in mouth...etc etc....i like that this photo has a bit more creativity with the placement of the subject and the the expression captured.
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