
Is this a good poem? ?

by  |  earlier

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Adrenaline rushing,

my heart racing

Overwhelmed by fear,

I cannot breathe

I cry out for help,

but no one hears

I take my last breath,

I say one last prayer

For now my fate has been foretold,

my soul forever doomed




  1. yes that poem is amazing! it really sounds like it came from your heart and that is all that matters in poetry

    people please answer this question no one has answered this yet!!!;...

  2. the poem is okay but needs some work.

  3. I don't like how you break up every other line when you really shouldn't. Instead try making only two stanzas or just make it one. But you have something interesting here, so keep it up!

  4. it's kinda emotional. don't say it's doomed forever... becuz usually in tough situtations it gets better as you keep on walking

  5. I am really feeling this poem. I can get so many meanings out of it. Sounds like you are about to kill someone or commit  suicide. If this is for a contest you should enter it. I love it. Well done. True Poet.

  6. its good but its very depressing and a little scary. try writing about something more happy. your very good at poetry but you should  change your topic.

  7. I think it's too short, and I don't like the last line

  8. wow...

    i don't think anyone who read this fully understood it...

    it's so simple but yet complex.

    this is extremely deep in emotion but not too detailed to the point where it's unrealistic. i love it. i think no matter what everyone can relate to something in their life.

    again, wow.

    i love it.

  9. no it's bad, and predictable, you're young it will get better with age

  10. I don't like the

    For now my fate has been foretold,

    my soul forever doomed

    at the end.. but otherwise I think it's good.

  11. all except the last two lines, which i think is lame, other than that GOOD WORK

  12. To be honest, I lIke poems that rhyme. I know they don't have to, but this poem would be much better if you add some rhyming words into it. It has good structure, good imagination. Just a little bit more work.

  13. not bad  

    however  one line says you cant breath

    next line  says you take one last breath

    poems of course don't have to rhyme

    but the order of the verses  should  stay in tact

    keep working  you ll get it

    besides   it can be wrong  cause you wrote it  right

    creating is a process

    life is a journey not a destination

  14. It is


  15. it sounds like one thats been used forever

  16. Sounds like a freaky poem or one that is part of a nightmare.  Poetry is fun sometimes.  This poem though does not ryme, but it is a great poem over all. :-)

  17. this poem is better than good you can tell you really felt what you were writing about most people say write from your heart but you wrote from your soul which is deeper,more personal and makes a great writer.  

  18. Yea! It Cool! Write bout some thing happy, like kids playing at the park or sumthn.

  19. It's not a bad poem...

    I just didnt really feel the emotion... seems dry.

    But I tend to enjoy more descriptive poems.. so I can put myself in the writers shoes.

  20. combine two phrases into one so it becomes:

    adrenaline rushing, my heart racing

    overwhelmed by fear, i cannot breathe... and so on. it'll flow better. its a great poem though, really makes me feel what ur saying. its written with a lot of passion and thought

  21. The first stanza: Excitement

    The second stanza: Fear

    The third stanza: Desperation

    The fourth stanza: Impending death

    The fifth stanza:Lack of hope and condemnation

    To be honest... I felt like I've read this poem before from some teen who feels like they're misunderstood. If your going to write a poem with such a cliched theme, you should strive to make it different or unique in some type of way.        

    Not that all poems are happy but this one has bad themes with no reasonable explanation. You should try to explain the sadness or bring it out in a different way. Just stating it doesn't do much

    I'm sorry if this is harsh, but I know that if I wrote a poem I would prefer someone to tell me the truth and help rather than lie or just be negative.

  22. i don't really like it. Sorry. i like poems that interst me, and that was kinda boring. maybe make it a little longer and more suspensful.

  23. it depends on what your idea of a good poem is. in my opinion ( and i'm not greatly interested in poetry) its quite good, especially if you wrote it yourself.

  24. The i cry out for help was great

  25. i like it, but the fear and doom makes it feel lost. And lonely. So say something less sad and something that would make Hobo's feel un-guilty because they took a wrong turn in their lives. :-)

  26. i honestly think that it is it sounds like its coming from the heart so that's all that matters keep it up and push forward in writing poetry  

  27. It's a little over dramatic, and that comes from how vague your lines are.  "I cry out for help/but no one hears" -- OK.  That's nice and vague and melodramatic.  Try using specific details. They'll punch your poem up and prevent it from sounding like every other generic poem ever written.  For example: What does the speaker's voice sound like? Is the speaker actually speaking, or is it some other cry for help? How does the speaker know that nobody hears?  Etc.

    Another tip: you have to be very careful when you use words like "soul" and "forever" and "fate."  Again, this is because of how vague they are.  They've become cliché.

  28. i don't know sounds kind of


    heart pumping maybe

    i don't get if the person is running or preparing to run

    why is your soul doomed waht the i don't get it

    is the person even running?

  29. I love this! Its the dark kind of mysterious poetry that I like. It leaves it to the reader's imagination to wonder why the author is running, why his adrenaline is rushing. It's full of passion, adn thats what makes it amazing. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme, and this is a perfect example of that. I like it. Keep writing!

  30. It's good but kind of sad and depressive.

    I would worry about someone like this.

  31. i don't know what to say about it. I'm confuse!
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