Let me first tell you what my plan is for my stock and then I'll give you the portfolio. I plan to invest as a moderate to aggressive investment with no plan to withdraw funds over the next 15 years. I will rebalance annually and dollar-cost average my investments monthly. By choosing these stocks I avoid trading fees and the minimum investments are VERY low, is this a good portfolio balance?
20% of Investments into Mutual Fund: SWTIX
30% of Investments into Mutual Fund: SWMSX
30% of Investments into Mutual Fund: SWLBX
10% of Investments into Mutual Fund: SWINX
10% of Investments into Mutual Fund: SWOIX
If you answer yes, sweet~ If not, please provide details of stocks only if they can be purchased through Charles Schwab or etrade with no trading cost! I also need funds with very LOW starting investments and low amounts that you can contribute afterwards. I would really like to know how balanced this is before I start investing!