
Is this a good practice/beginner guitar amp ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to be able to play metal, will this allow it? Like melodic death metal. and also, will it allow me to play regular rock too?

thanks in advance




  1. Yes you should be able to play metal & regular rock on it with no problem.

    On the metal setting, the gain isn't great but at that price it's pretty good.

    A person I know uses that amp & they don't need a pedal so uh. you should be fine.


  2. its okay for a beginner the best effects and distortion comes from pedals but a really good amp would be a tube amp there better than combo and solid state

  3. sure...line 6 is a good brand too...a couple of my buddys have those nd they say they kick *** but mosst of the sound effects come frome pedals nd stuff

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