
Is this a good reason to avoid such relationships...?

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  1. Oh Yeah

  2. as long as ur not a r****d like her.

  3. Love is just an insipid human concept. Although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love.

  4. Internet relationships are stupid. In fact they aren't even 'real' relationships, just pretend and imaginary

  5. I SAW THIS TODAY!!! Chick is nuts!

    I can't believe that there are people out there who really think that life can be lived through a computer.

  6. Yes , but that is for idiots who think they will find true love on line. that woman is loony tunes..

  7. meeting someone over the internet isn't the best idea you can have. its easier to meet someone you learn to care about from meeting in the real world and then going on and it could be love so don't' misconstrues the purpose of love its just sometimes it takes longer then it usually does and this is something you need to refrain from.

  8. Not really.  It's an aberration, that the media picks up because it gets clicks and makes money.  Use common sense.  Use good sense.  Never divulge private information, always keep records, treat online encounters like offline ones - strangers you wouldn't warm up to just out of no where.  They're unknowns.  The dangers are a 1000 times worse because of the Internet, so just be careful.  Meet in well lit, day time places, etc.

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