
Is this a good reason to leave bad feedback on eBay?

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I auctioned an item and one of the people bidding on it asked me a few questions which I answered quickly. After about 5 questions she won the item and paid quite quickly.

A few hours later I received an e-mail asking if I could change the name on the package to her husband's. I said only if her husband had her last name but even then I'd have to address it to just the last name with no first name.

I told her this and she instantly got angry with me saying I'm a horrible seller if I don't bend 1 small rule. I decided to ignore it. She then send another message which was extremely vulgar which said the same as the first. A few hours later a 3rd message still with vulgarity but this time requesting a confirmation number. I did give her the number and she replied w/ more vulgarity.

Does she deserve positive, neutral, or bad feedback,

I personally don't care about my own rating but it's obvious she does.




  1. She needs to be reported to eBay.   I would have seen if eBay would let me cancel the transaction.  

    She will probably give you negative feedback.  After she does give her negative feedback.  If she doesn't wait until right before the time expires that you can give feedback and give it to her then.

  2. She deserves negative feedback...there is absolutely NO reason for her to be so rude!! I would go one step further and report her to E-bay...that's just not right.  You can take the higher road and give her a neutral feedback with the footnote that she is a bit difficult to work with.  Other sellers may want to know this information...I sure would!

  3. POSITIVE? definitely not.  If she was as bad as you depicted then definitely negative.  She shouldn't have been so quick and obeyed rules.  If she didn't send any of the vulgar email then you could have let it slip but she doesn't seem like a nice person.

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