
Is this a good school bag for my 2nd year of Secondary school?

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Hi just wondering if you people like this bag for school. I know that it's a little weird but do you think people will think that I am strange when I go to school (I don't want anyone stereotyping me as crazy!)

All answers appreciated






  1. If you like it then get it

    It shouldn't matter what people think of you - just be yourself and don't get worried about what people think of you because there will be some people that still think your cool.

    If people don't like you for who you are, they don't sound like the type of people you would want to be friends with in the first place.

  2. Hi!

    I am part time model and let me tell you one of the biggest secret of modeling world . Its not always the clothes that makes a person look good Its the way and the confidence with which he or she carries it make them look nice . No matter what ever you do there will always be someone there to criticize , so why the d**n we should think what other will think , do what you like. If you think you really need a bag and you have enough confidence in you to carry it then you should carry that bag to school , else you shouldn't .      

  3. Alex: If you have another choice then I would recommend going with it. If not then here's the bottom line:   Any bag you choose that you like to carry is up to you and nobody has the right to do anything about it. They may say things to you or behind your back and some people will strongly disagree with your choice, but that is their right as well, as long as they don't do anything physically to you.  It is kind of an odd bag,  but not so much that people won't eventually get used to seeing it and calm down about it.  If you are sensitive about how people will react to you then think about it before you actually purchase this bag.  That's my opinion and I hope it helps you.  Good luck

  4. You're a guy, I really dont like it. Looks like those wannabe emo bags xx

  5. You know I actually love it! I normally just stick to somewhat preppy things but I think that bag is amazing!  

  6. If you really like it, get it. Be yourself. The coolest people are the ones who are individual.

  7. i think the bag looks great. my daughter (yr 9) thinks it looks a bit girly but then i dont know if you are a boy or girl.

    anyway, you shouldnt worry what other people think. i know thats easier said than done. im always telling my daughter the same thing but she just wants to fit in.

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