
Is this a good showname?

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I have a thoroughbred mare and i changed her barn name to Lacey. I made her showname "Lacey's Ballroom Blitz". Is this a stupid showname?




  1. I like it. It's very cute. And it doesn't seem overly too showey either. Besides, what would be better to watch a horse do than something as graceful as a ballrom blitz?

  2. Very good!!

  3. I am feeling very old, as most of the answerers apparently don't know the song "ballroom blitz" and think it sounds slow and elegant!

    link to song -

    its a glam/punk rock song from the early 70s, about a band that go chased off the stage by an angry mob throwing bottles

    not  that its a bad name, but I'd probably use it for a jumper, not a hunter

  4. It seems like a very good name. It doesn't matter what other people think of it as long as you are happy with it. If it really fits your mare, then all the better.

  5. I like it. You couldn't even tell that isn't her registered name. It doesn't sound stupid at all!!

  6. sounds good!

  7. No, I like it a lot! It suits a thoroughbred mare!

  8. i dont like it.

    pick something shorter.

  9. If you're racing her, then I don't think it's a good name to go with because it doesn't say fast, but if she's in horse shows, I think it's fine.

  10. It's cute

  11. No I love that name. It is really good

  12. I think if it is a show horse it's name should be shorter. I think that name is cute but it is not simple. Horses that are in show should have cute but feirce names and tht one is just....too long.

    hope i helped

  13. i dont like it! you can use it if you want. im just trying not to be mean! sorry!

  14. what ever floats your boat horse lover freak.

  15. I like it.  I've been around the show and racing circuits for years, studied pedigrees, and there are some stupid names out there.  This is not one of them.

  16. NO!! Not at all! Thats a good strong name. It would suit her if shes a smooth mover. Thoroughbreds tend to be graceful looking in the the  ballroom dancing name is good..and blitz works too...since it gives the impression that she is full of most tb's are. Good name....keep it

  17. no offense but i don't love it but i love the name lacy...not saying not 2 use it i just don't like it

  18. i think thats really cute!

  19. No, its a good name expectly if it fits her movements.Thats a really good name for her.

  20. I think it is a great Hunter name

  21. Thats not bad. It would really fit if you are doing like...dressage

  22. No, I absolutely love that name! It totally rocks!!!  It fits a thoroughbred mare completely!!! Good name!

  23. I like it! Of course i dont know your horse, but I like the name, and its even better if the name in some way fits your horses personality. Do you ride dressage? Because this to me seems like more of a dressage name. Either way, I like it :)

  24. I think a name like that fits well with dressage, but if its like jumping or something it should say something fast.

  25. no is is good

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