
Is this a good site to donate money too? Should I? What do you think? Thanks?

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  1. donate to a local charity..  where you KNOW where the money is going..

  2. Donate to the Make a Wish Foundation.  Read more about it below.

  3. Actually their statistics are wrong. The most recent statistics are 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 4 boys. For the first time more girls are abused than boys. At least thats the ones we know of. That is really pathetic. What kind of society would allow this?!

    Another great charity would be the Ronald McDonald house in Madison Wisconsin. They do great work for families of children with cancer.

  4. rather then do this go to a site you knwo. its better and more safer. there are so many out there just wanting your money and they are not what they say. it i am not sure and i dont' want to lead you if you go to CFC call them and find out what they have there and you can then put money there an dknow its ok.

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