
Is this a good speech for student council?

by Guest44739  |  earlier

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I dont relly know what to write and i really need more that what i have.

Hi my name is......... Im running for 9th grade represnative. One reason i think i would be a good rep is because I know what it takes to be a rep. I have been one before and things worked out great. At my old school I helped organize many funrisers and one awesome end of the year trip. I am responcible and full of great ideas. I promise to take every reasonable idea into concideration.

Its for a lot of high schoolers and i dont want it to be boring. I want it to be kinda funny. please help its due thursday




  1. try taking out "I have been one before and things worked out great"

  2. That's not too funny. Just say vote for me because the other guy sucks.  

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