
Is this a good thing for dog food?

by  |  earlier

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My uncle works at a dog food company, a quite good one, but it's in England (sorry USA) and one the new bag it says "Arf-aficial flavoring" should he take out that? Or not? Just wondering! He likes me to ask you stuff about this he says it's "Interesting"!




  1. he should keep it on

  2. never give him somethig you dont now about

  3. If its a truly good food it needs NOTHING artificial in it=no food dyes no phony flavors.Tilks Mom

  4. Leave it . . . I only care about the first couple of ingredients anyways - so I wouldn't get to that part anyways.

  5. People won't understand the humor. It needs to direct and to the point. No arf in artificial. If the label isn't serious then the person will be less likely to buy your product.

  6. I don't think so.  It's silly to put a pun on a label that implys you have artificial flavoring when you don't.  (what the heck is pretend carrots?)

    No one wants artificial flavoring, so even putting something that sounds like it is stupid marketing.

  7. what company does he work for. purina or something because that sounds like junk.  

  8. artifical flavours hmm only carrots thats ok only if it has other different vegetables because dogs need to eat some vegetables too its good for them.

  9. no if he doesn't`t want to it`s his choice.dogs will eat it any way.

  10. If it has artificial flavoring in it, the food is c**p.

  11. Artifiial flavoring is very unhealthy and unatural!

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