
Is this a good topic for an anthropology term paper?

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my instructor has assigned the class a 7-page mini-term paper for the semester. He says that it can be on any topic related to anthropology. I am thinking about writing about how multi-racial people live and interact in everyday life.

If this is a good topic, what questions should I ask when I interview a person for my topic(one of the requirements) any suggestions would be great!




  1. hey,

    I just got done with my own anthropology final, what you should think about when selecting a topic is as follows...

    1) Anthropology is all about cultural relativity so basically make sure that you can keep an open mind about what ever topic you choose. For this reason I would suggest that you pick a culture that you are not a part of. That helps keep and open opinion. 2) make sure that you have a reliable informant, it will be hard to get detailed information without a person to study. If possible they should be older because it gives you a wider range of information 3) If your going to do your topic, focus on how life is different for bi-racial people because they are between a minority status and the dominate culture. Not fully part of one or the other. In some cases depending on the culture they are not recognized as part of either culture with gives them no background. 4) be sure to ask how they were raised, part of the dominate culture or did their upbringing focus on their minority status. 5) Ask how the person views his own culture, do they feel America is as accepting as we would all like to believe or does it try to force a role on the person, be specific in regards to problems that have happened to them in regards to race. 6) Finally be careful in the phrasing of the questions you are asking about intimate details of this person's life so don't ask a purposely inflammatory question.

  2. I doubt anyone would be offended if you aproach them correctly.... i am bi-racial Japanese and Russian (Jew), my children are half Greek and a quarter Japanese and a quarte Russian and Greek Orthodox. What do you want to know?

    I think you need to start off with a premise of a sorts... have specific questions that would be geared to the differences of growing up bi-racial vs.  one race. Almost everyone is mixed these days and it just doesn't have the same social difference that it used to as when I was growing up when I felt like a pariah.... my kids barely realize what their mix means other than it is fun to say. Look how many Germans have mixed with the Scottish and the Irish.... and the Spanish and everyone knows atleast 5 people that have some kind of American Native Indian in their blood somewhere.... so you really have to think long and hard about what you want to say and to prove with your paper. Money might be an easier thing to write about.... people who have money and to what degree vs. people with no money  ot little money. That is something that everyone can understand better and it is not a generational experience. If you do this subject, bare in mind that many people who are "well off" percieve themselves to need more money because they cannot afford thedream cruise twice a year but once in a life time.... yet they do not compare themselves for someone who has to count out the pennies for their medications. Get my point? Good Luck on  your paper. Hope this helped.

  3. i think the topic is good. But to do a good paper, you will have to do a lot of first person research, which means a lot of time. Some people you want to interview may be offended.

  4. Your topic is too wide. Establish one question and attempt to answer that question through research. for example what does an interracial family do for entertainment, compared to a  family of the same race.

  5. I agree with Para.  That is a very broad topic.  What is the focus of your research?  ex: bi-lingualism, racism, concepts of ethnicity/self-definition of ethnicity.  If you try to do your research without narrowing the subject, you will probably be overwhelmed and certainly won't have as much information to go on when writing about each topic.  7 pages may sound like a lot, but it won't give you enough space for a book-length topic like that.  Try to choose something more specific and plan to speak with many people.

  6. what about a paper on margaret meade

  7. I agree with Para, come up with one main question you will definitely learn more than just what you're seeking for. Good luck.

  8. If you do your paper on race, make sure you spend a good amount of time explaining how "race" does not actually exist and that it is only a cultural construct created by man.  What we define as "race" is just biological variation within our species.

    Your teacher will love it.

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