
Is this a good weight loss achievment?

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im 15 next friday, im 175 centimetres, 7 months ago i weighed 103 kilos, now i weigh 73 kilos, is this a good acomplishment? Also could i get career as a dietiton easier as i have the experience




  1. An excellent achievement, well done. Stay healthy now, don't be tempted to lose any more weight.  

  2. Its an excellent achievement - congratulations and I wish you all the best in your career, I think that personal experience is most valuable experience and should help you in your endeavor. Especially if you manage to keep the weight off.

  3. yes wow

    what did you do....

    4 weeks ago i was 80kgs

    this week im 73kgs

    it was hard thougth but now the weights coming of little little....

    how can i lose 15kgs and how long will it take and what would it consist of

    please email or msn me:

    im 15 in 2 monyhs lol

  4. if you could convert that to feet and inches and then into lbs i could tell you...


    Yes it's really good. And you're really tall. Lucky!

  5. That is a stunning achievement! Gratz mate.  I wish I could do that!

    As for the dietitian stuff, I don't really know.  Insight into weight issues could be useful, but it is not all about excess weight issues being a dietitian.  Ability to understand peoples relationship with food will be a bonus, but there are lots of facets to diet, allergy, salts, etc., ask your careers advisor for advice and look up medical dietitians...

    Try - they are looking at Degree or better level dietetics students.

    As a non-medical Diet advisor for the average Joe with a weight issue, I have no doubt you have great insight and a good chance to help and support.

  6. you have to take classes in nutrition and get your degree in that field and get your practitioners license. If you really want to, go see the counselor at your local community college and talk to a few nutritionists/dietitians in the area and find out what path they took and as about possible internships.

    Good job on the weight loss by the way. Its tough for most people to loose that much weight. You must have worked hard, so work hard towards your new goal!

  7. thats an excellent weight loss dont listen to anyone that says otherwise you have done yourself proud.  I was in the same position almost 4 years ago an now ive lost more than i weigh now im down to 60kg and i was 130 kg my motivation was to be able to run around with my kids.  But i got there and now im where i want to me if anything less than i want to be.  Congratulations and if its something you want to get into for someone that wants to visit a dietician i would rather go to someone that has personal experience than someone that is already a stick figure an only has the knowledge from a text book.

    Good Luck in achieving ur goal as a dietician weight wise you have done a brilliant job

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