So three men were flying over a jungle in plane. All of a sudden they heard " Crack Crack!". Then, their plane started to plummet towards the ground. Forced to, they performed a crash landing. Everyone got and and was safe and unharmed. As they turned around, there was a huge tribe of cannibals pointing arrows at them. They quickly surrendered. On the way back to the cannibal village, the leader of the cannibals said " There is good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that we are going to kill you, eat you, and then use your skin to build canoes. The good news it that we're going to let you chose how you die."
As they arrived at the village, they were lined up. The first man stepped up. The cannibals asked, " How do you want to die?". The man replied " Give me a gun." So the cannibals handed him a gun loaded with one bullet. He said " Goodbye world!", and off went the gun, down he went. The second guy stepped up. The cannibals asked, " How do you want to die?". The man replied " Hang me." So the cannibals took him over to a tree and did as he asked. The last man stepped up. The cannibals asked, " How do you want to die?". The man replied " Give me a fork." The cannibals were whispering things like " What is he gonna do with a fork?" and " Why does he want a fork?". Anyway, they handed him a fork. He stood in front of them all and looked at them in digust. Then he said " s***w your d**n canoes!" and started stabbing himself all over.
Haha, I always laugh at that joke. Sorry if you didn't think it was funny. And if you dont get the punchline, heres the spoiler. ( they were using the skin for canoes, so he made holes in his skin so they couldn't make canoes out of it)