
Is this a hard Sophomore year schedule?

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These are my Sophomore year classes (high school):

Pre Calculus

Spanish 2

AP Physics B

Honors English

Advanced Honors Orchestra

AP US History

Those are the hardest classes I can take this year... I think that I want to major in something relative to engineering or pre med in college.

Obviously I'm ahead in math and science (also history)... So I'm in class with: 1. Juniors/ Seniors for Pre calculus 2. Mostly Seniors for AP Physics B... How will this affect my year? How much work do you think I will have this year? What classes will be especially hard?




  1. You've got quite a load there....I'd have to say pre calc and physics will be your hardest classes.

  2. If you are up to the challenge, you can probably handle but the thing is whether you would be able to get straight A's which would look really good.  My sophomore year was somewhat similar- AP Biology, AP Gov't, Algebra2/Trig, Chem H, Engineering Foundations II, Honors English 10, Spanish 2, and Web Page Design.  I was able to manage straight A's but it was very difficult and i even had to do a couple of all-nighters but I was a lot better off for junior year.  Well I took AP Physics B, pre-calculus junior year and they were not that bad but i am a science/math oriented student.  I a lot of people struggled with AP Physics B because it focuses on concepts and understanding them then being able to do the simple math problems with it and I thought pre-calc was rather easy.  But a lot of people found those two classes really hard, some being the first B's, which was usually found on the younger students i.e. sophomores.  For AP Physics B all you need to know is algebra and trig and do very well in visualizing so do all of the practice problems.  Precalculus is easy if you know your algebra and trig.  AP US History at my school is the toughest class.  It is a lot of work and the exam is very difficult so be ready to read a lot and memorize a lot of dates and names.  Well good luck.

  3. wow! this is mine and i'm a sophmore

    Italian 2

    Honors American History

    Honors Biology

    Honors American Literature

    Gym/Computers/Art Appreciation

    your 2 ap courses are gonna be pretty hard. i was gonna take ap history but it was too much with everything i do outside of school. good luck

  4. Wow, you have a lot of advanced classes as a sophomore, good job! My sophomore year was not as hard as I thought. You will be putting a lot of time into your APs, especially to study or read the textbooks. Anyways, one AP could be very time-consuming and I have no idea why I'm going to take 4 APs this year. We're both going to be in Physics B together, so hopefully that won't ruin us that bad. If you do really good in all of them, you'll have an AWESOME year that colleges will love.

    From personal experience, AP US History wasn't as hard as I thought. I held a B all year in there. Be careful on the AP test though, its just plain difficult, unless you really know your history. I got a 3 on the AP test if you were wondering.

    Well, good luck this year and I hope you could get over a 4.0 GPA with those A's!

    ** By the way, I'm taking AP Government, AP Calculus AB, AP Physics B, and AP Psychology. Good luck to the both of us! =]

  5. wow!!! um good luck! you must be smart  

  6. Lol u gotta learn to take it easy on yourself, that's a junior/senior course load but if your really smart w/e.

    This was my sophomore schedule:

    Spanish III

    Hon. Geometry

    Hon. English


    Computer Programming


    This is this year's schedule:

    Hon. Pre Calc


    A.P Government

    Hon. Eng

    A.P Us History

    A.P Spanish

    U've got it hard considering ur taking classes meant for older students, but I admire ur ambition

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