
Is this a healthy lunch?

by  |  earlier

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an a.o. muesli bar

a red apple

a 'golden circle' fruit popper 250ml

a sesame street yoghurt 125g

and sultanas and dried apricots.




  1. I would have to say no. It doesn't mean that u stop reading. muesli bars have lots of hidden sugar so watch out for that. Poppers also have lots of sugar & yogurt! So no I wouldn't say that is healthy. instead of the popper you should drink a bottle of water. and instead of the muesli bar you should make a sand-which with fresh lettuce and tomato on whole grain bread. If you want calcium bring one of those milk poppers with no flavour. that's a healthy lunch.

    Hope I helped :)

  2. no, too much sugar

  3. not bad but that juice is full of sugar 250ml has around 50g of sugar i know alot it has more then coke believe it. try some water alot healthier but then again i drink like 5 poppers a day and lkike 5 cans of coke not healthy lolz yea the rest is good depends on your age because it dosn't seem alot.

    dw about hidden stuff musil bars are fine your not gona get fat  and nothings gona happn to your body but there are healthier options have you tried vita wheat snacks there healthy and yummy says my friend. you can try a banana they have like every fruit in them

    if ur worried heres what u do google the Australian guide to healthy eating 1998  and you can follow the guidelines there as to what and how much you should eat. i learnt all this in p.e but been studying all day my head hurts sorry.

    and there are other guides im sure you can find

    hope i helped

  4. Hio!

    Its pretty good. Put it this way

    the muesli bar's a no no

    sultanas and dried apricots are a go go

    golden circle popper im not sure but anything besides water and freshly hand squeezed fruit juice isnt very healthy automatically especially if its sweet.

    Red apple's probably your most healthy food item there.

    One thing thats unhealthy about the whole thing is that its not enough. It isnt a proper lunch. Where's the sandwhich or rice or pasta or main thing. At the moment the individual things are pretty good besides the muesli bar (once i got a point for having a muesli bar in my lunch box when we were testing who had the healthiest lunch) but if u want a proper lunch they just seem like uve put snacks together 2 fill u up.

    thats all i have to say.

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