
Is this a healthy weight for me? I have pics...please answer?

by  |  earlier

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I just asked this question but didnt say if i was a boy or a a 16 year old girl im 5'9.5" tall and weight about i a healthy weight or should i gain/lose? This is a pic i took and someone said i look anorexic...please give your honest opinion...




  1. It would be better judging from a whole photo.  However looking at what you exibit, it would appear as though you're midium built.  That would mean based on your height, you would need approximatley 20 lbs more.

    I say this because based on the average acceptable weight estimated based on hight and built, you'd be underweight even for a small boned person.

  2. whatever you do dont lose wieght. gaining a few wouldnt hurt. the bones sticking out are a little gross.

  3. you're absolutely perfect

  4. Nice body, healthy weight. :)

  5. Show us ur bewbies plz?

  6. I dont think you need more or less, you look fine. =] Just make sure your eating healthy.. hopefully you dont want to be anorexic.

  7. Thats a healthly weight and a really nice body.

  8. youre thin.

    you might look better if you gain 5 lbs.

    but you dont have to, you have a nice figure. maintain it.

  9. your a little to thin. 5 pounds more would be good

  10. You are NOT annorexic! You look good.

    Wow, that is really slim, but healthy. Just stay that way :)

    I'm envious.

    If ever in doubt, just use this calculator and it will let you know where you're at.

  11. You have a gorgeous figure.

  12. maybe just tone up your tummy?

    deff not anorexic though

    help me?;...

  13. High, I'm DC,  Libra and i don't really care about long walks on the beach. And you are?

  14. Yeah i agree with everyone have a great body and your definitely not whoever told you that your anorexic was definitely lying to you

  15. Girl you look soooo good!  You defiently don't look over weight and you look more healthy than anything. You really don't need to do anything but maintain your current weight. You look hot now go show the world!  

  16. are you sucking in or anything? if not, you really wouldnt want to lose any weight at all.

  17. ahaha im 12 years old and im taller than you!!!

  18. Its a healthy weight, but you'd definitely look better if you gained at least 15 pounds

  19. all that matters is that your healthy. you look about average!

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