
Is this a high IQ?

by  |  earlier

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I just took this free IQ test at After taking it, I received a score of 86. Is this high also would this be an accurate site? Im 16 by the way. Thanks!




  1. No, it is actually below average, which is by design 100.  BTW, don't pay much attention to these tests, as they are just trying to get the people who are proud of their high results to send money for them to be recognized.  Mine was 146.

  2. i'm going to be honest with you, 86 isn't too high

    but i would worry about it for a second. online tests aren't accurate

  3. There IQ test is screwed up. On one test I got 130 then on another I got 89. I know its crazy. 86 is a very, very bad IQ. But its... just not reliable.

  4. I'm curious as to how 224 is "high-mensa".

    A standard IQ test is based on a 100 mean with 15 point standard deviations. Each standard deviation you move farther away from the mean, the rarer.

    An 86% is near 1 standard deviation, which means that your IQ is lower than about 84% of the population.


    Back to the "high Mensa"  224 is 8 std deviations away from the mean. Humans haven't existed  long enough to create an anomaly like that.

    On a standard IQ test, 132 is the minimum for Mensa.

    Luckily for you, that IQ test was as reliable as a brand new Saturn. Which is to say, not very reliable.

  5. This is a joke, right? 70 is the borderline for retardation. "Average" is 100. I've got a 143 (average of three psychologist-proctored tests taken at ages 6, 12, and 17).

    And online IQ tests are pretty much as reliable as a 20 year old Jaguar convertible. That is to say, not at all reliable.

    Edit: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks, "tinksama."

    And to "monkey" who suggested that 224 is even a score... you must shut up because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

    Finally, I took an IQ test at the website mentioned in the post when I read the question. A 16 year old with an 86 wouldn't write a post like that. It is mostly properly punctuated with the correct capitalization (the capitalized IQ in the name of the website shows me he or she thinks on a higher level) and the flow is appropriate for someone of higher capabilities. Bottom line: I got a 126. That's MORE than one standard deviation (15 points) BELOW the average I mentioned at the top of this post.

    In actuality, this kid is probably a little bit above 100.

  6. Average

  7. 224 is high-Mensa material. Border line r****d-ism is around 72. 86 means you are bright. And those free IQ tests usually won't tell you accurately.

  8. Average, but those tests are biased.

  9. thats abt ave....dont get too over duly concerned with such tests

  10. no, thats really really low. an IQ of 80 actually qualifies you for "moron" status. you just slid by. i would suggest taking it again though, those sites are not always accurate. that same site gave me an IQ of 129. yeah right!
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