
Is this a joke...........?

by  |  earlier

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in this articel it says a 9 year old pitching 40 mph was told his fastball was too good. down here in mississippi my 8 year old brothers bball team doesnt even play kid pitch and they can throw 45-46.

how do u feel about the artical and do people pitch this slow for yall in this age group




  1. i threw that fast wen i was 9 too it doesnt mean anything

  2. i just read the article. it's B.S.  what's the kid supposed to do?  get punished for being too good?  that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard.  so far, the kid never hit any batters.  if he did, well, it comes with the sport.  kids are expected to have dreams and to chase dreams.  keeping a kid from chasing his dream is fricking B.S!  i feel sorry for the boy.

  3. 40 mph is bottom of the range.  40-50 mph is average for 9-10 year olds.  55 would be fast.  60 would be scary.

  4. that little guy izzzz intense

  5. i play for little league and was hit with a ball 12 times my first season, most of them faster than 40 mph. he should play

  6. I th ink they should let them play. 40 isnt that fast and if it is too fast for them they will learn to hit it. I don't see why they couldnt.

  7. Yea I just read that, I think thats weak that they would ban a kid from pitching because he's too good.  Isn't that why people play sports is for competition, some parents probably said it's not fair and some c**p.  If your not good enough don't play.  But know to your question, I thought that was slow too, when I was a kid I threw 50 or so (especially from the short distance)

  8. just tell the kid to throw slower...

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