
Is this a joke!!!?

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My A Bantom coach doesn't allow me to hit the little kids even in games! I get *itched at! I'm age 13, 6'2 and 180 lbs but still even in games he'll bench me when I lay them out. They are clean hits and all but I don't see whats wrong with flattening little kids out. By little I'm talking 130 lbs 5'5




  1. your a liability bro, hahahah.

    tell that coach to suck it easy.

  2. Play "travel" where it matters what you do. In house league you have to worry about that one conservative housewife! Move up in leagues where its about hockey, not about a moms desire to let her kid compete but not take the punishment he deserves!

  3. u may be big but do you have hands?

    ive laid out bigger guys before beacuse they couldnt fight

    with ur attitude i suggest you learn!

  4. why aren't you a regular Donald Brasher just remember as you go there will most likely be bigger meaner defense men that would absolutely love to destroy you Scott Stevens anyone? :)

    You could be using your time in bantom A to improve your skills rather than trying to be a fourth line grinder just a thought anyways.

  5. Listen to your coach.He's only doing what's best for you.You're not going to be able to run kids like the way you're doing for much longer.Kids today are bigger and stronger then they used to be.Work on your skills and your skating and you'll be fine.

    I like how some in this question tell you not to listen to your coach.Yeah that's exactly what we want to teach our kids today.Don't listen to your coaches you're 13 you know whats best for you.

    Nice answer Kyle Kennedy.

  6. The better question would be what honest satisfaction you take out of destroying people half your size when you should be able to muscle them off the puck easily with your size?

    Your coach would never tell you not to be physical or to separate the puck from the puck carrier, he just sees no point in taking yourself out of the play to take runs at players half your size.

    The fact that you are that size at bantam and only playing single A says to me that your skating MUST be at least somewhat of an issue. AA and AAA coaches drool for kids your size at that age.  So listen to your coach, he must realize that more often than not, you are taking yourself out of the play when you attempt the big hit and putting your team at a serious disadvantage.

    In my opinion, your goal should be to focus on pressure and containment.  This, along with making you a more well rounded player, will force you to work on your aggressive footwork and agility in game situations rather than the typical straight line skating that goes into running an opponent.

  7. Hockey isn't about hitting it's about playing the game. If you're so into hitting take up football where the big kids play.

    I had a kid like you playing for me when I coached bantam hockey. He went into football. Got a scholarship and has played as an All star for the past 6 years in the CFL as an Offensive Tackle. Now he gets paid real well for hitting people.

  8. Do you score goals? or you just go out to give thier bones a ring?

  9. play in a league with kids your size or join a different team since ur coach blows

  10. How'd you like to be the little kid in that situation?

    Drop the puck (so Marty St. Louis can stand up to the big guys) already!

  11. Run the show dude. Tell your coach you put fear in the opponents eye.

  12. i would listen to Joe and Zam. There is a reason why your coach tells you what to do or not to do- reason for the name "coach". My brothers were like you are and trust me it doesnt last for long so take the opportunity to learn more while you still can. Plus i have seen some pretty nasty (but clean hits), your hit may be clean but how the other player falls is something different. I have seen hockey careers ended and some never really got started. Being in the crowd is also different, some of the parents of the little kids are scared and worry about how there kid is going to compare to someone your size. I remember when my brother played certain teams it was a given (it was known) that because the players are smaller they werent suppose to give as many hits. (it made for a way faster hockey game) So i hope you read all the other posts and make your decision. You need to ask your self "if there was no hitting aloud, would you still play hockey?" Your answer should be easy if you love the sport.

  13. i say dont stop, your playing your role. your probably not going to dangle everyone and go score. use your size, your a key player on the team. if you lay a guy out centre ice cuz he had his head down, trust me he wont do it again, and now hes scared witch will cause him to make mistakes plus if it was a huge hit the whole team will be thinking of you when they get a pass, and they will be scared and make mistakes, your a key role one your team. you can take all the fish out of the see but you cant take the hits out of me (you) feel free to say that to your coach

  14. I can understand why other parents wouldn't want you to, but that does seem stupid to me.  You give him an advantage seems stupid not to embrace it.  Still if a coach tells you to do something do it it's his job and if you loose he's got no one to blame but himself.

  15. That is a joke - all you can do is, when you do get playing time - crush the little ones even harder!  If the coach keeps benching you, tell him he's next!
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