
Is this a joke to appreciate?

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A masked man walks into a sperm bank, points a gun at the woman behind the counter and shouts "open the safe!"

"But this is not a real bank" the woman replies "it's a sperm bank."

"Open the safe or I'll shoot!" the man shouts.

The woman, now terrified, opens the safe.

"Now take one of the bottles and drink it", he says.

"But sir, these are sperm samples!" the woman replies.

"Just drink it or I'll shoot!"

The woman opens the bottle and drinks the lot. "Now take another bottle and drink it"

"But sir, I just drank one"

"Drink another one or I will shoot you"

The woman has no alternative and drinks a second bottle.

When she has emptied it the man now takes off his mask and the woman is surprised to see the robber is her husband.

"Now you see, honey", he says, "it isn't so difficult now is it!"




  1. that poor wife!

    lol it was still funny

  2. Yuk , but good joke lol

  3. ugh that would be awful lol but it is a funny joke

  4. LOL.

    good joke! But like everyone else said gross!

  5. i wonder wat happend next to the husband and thier relationship LOL but it was funny LMFAO

  6. lol ew that's nasty i would get divorced from te guy! haha


  8. eww thats nasty. its funny too

  9. LOL. That is a good, naughty joke.

  10. i will say that well honey these have a better taste though>>>>>>>

  11. Maybe this was the same woman...

    Mother: What seems to be the problem with you? You have been married three years and still no children. I had hopes of being a grandmother by now.

    Daughter: I just don't know, Mom! Billy tries all the time, it's just that I have a lot of trouble swallowing.

  12. lol

  13. uuurrrrggggghhhh

    really disgusting!

  14. rofl that is awsome

  15. liked that one a lot:)

  16. Hahahahahahaha omfg rofl

  17. funny but sick

  18. Disgusting But Hilarious

  19. Well I appreciated it, think every man will lol.

    Cheers x  

  20. very good.

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