
Is this a lazy eye?

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i never had a lazy eye as a child and all of the sudden in the past couple of months my left eye opens bigger than my right. Its really bothering me Can this be from my contacts? Can an eye patch fix this? Help!! My right eye has a stronger prescription than my left




  1. It is called ptosis not a lazy eye.  It is caused by a weak muscle in your eyelid.  You should see an Ophthalmologist and your medical doctor to determine the cause.

  2. One eye opening larger than the other as a result of the lids opening wider would have nothing  to do with your contacts.  If you mean one pupil is larger than the other it still would have nothing to do with your contacts.  Either problem could stem from a systemic condition and you should see your eye doctor for an assessment.

  3. Nope! Not a lazy eye.

    This is probably ptosis. That is where the muscles in that eyelid are weaker. Just go to the eye doctor and see what they can do for you. It is not from your contacts.

    A lazy eye is when one eye is being ignored from the brain for whatever reason. The vision in the lazy eye will be worse, but that vision loss is NOT correctable by any contacts. Also, usually, the lazy eye will drift off in another direction, either all or some of the time. Another symptom of a lazy eye is that both eyes do not work both at once. People with a lazy eye can not see 3D (even with those glasses at the movies) because they aren't seeing out of both eyes at once.

    So, no, you do not have a lazy eye. But go to the eye doctor anyways.

    If you have any more questions, just contact me. Otherwise, I hope I helped!

  4. lazy eye is when one eye is straight and the other is turned in or out
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