I have a student who is unbelievably smart. I teach math, and he generally sits there and watches, but doesn't take notes. When I start asking questions, he's the first to be able to answer them every time. He understands the material perfectly, but for some reason has trouble putting it on paper. He can tell you how to do any problem, but for some reason can't write it down so it makes sense. Is it a learning disability that can cause this? We don't have a school counselor, and having met his parents, I doubt they would be willing or able to get him to a doctor to have it checked out. His mother told me a month or so ago that he's almost 17, and not her responsibility. I know I can give him oral tests, but what happens when he gets out in the real world and has trouble writing? I'm certainly not a professional, so I know I can't cure him or work miracles. But I would like to help him in a way that allows him to function in the real world. Any suggestions?