
Is this a learning disability:?

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I try so hard to remember things but no matter how hard i study i forget everything.




  1. hhmmm idk...

    its either a disability or just some people are like that

    you need to talk to a perfessional like a therapist or someone

  2. I am the same way. I have been in college for 4 semesters now and I still havn't passed Fundamentals of Math, because I forget it all.

  3. It may be. The fact that you are concerned about it tells me you are obviously very bright. What most people do not understand is that the majority of people with learning disabilities ( I prefer to call them learning differences because that is really what they are) are extremely intelligent. They just process things differently. Talk to your parents or guidance counselor about your concerns. If your parents have a good health insurance you can be tested for specific learning differences. Once identified, they accommodate you at school and give you specific learning strategies based on your difference. They can also test you through school however it is not as precise. You will get better testing by a psychologist who is expert in the field of learning differences.

    Good luck. I hope you can get the testing done so you can achieve all you are capable of. Remember, NEVER GIVE UP!

  4. This sounds like a visual memory deficit. I say visual because you are reading when you study. If you have trouble when you listen to lectures as well, then you could also have a auditory memory deficit. Finally it could be a visual processing deficit if nothing makes sense to you when you read and that is why you can't remember it. Look these up on the "Net.

    As was mentioned by another answerer you may have to find other ways to study that complement your learning. Here is a site where you can take a test that will help identify your learning style.

    Also, when you study you may want to write down the important points using a graphic organizer. That way you are creating a whole concept rather than just a bunch of unrelated parts. Here is a place to get some graphic organizers.

    You may want to have your parent's request learning disability testing from the school counselor. They will only do it if you are doing very poorly in school. This involves ability and psychological process testing as well as academic testing. You will get valuable insights.

  5. The real question is what is your learning style.  Everyone has one - what might make it a special education issues is if it is so significant that you cannot be successful in school.  You have heard people say that they have to write things down or if they hear it they remember - what you have to do is figure out what your learning style is and that's what you do to study.  

    For example: some people need to write down main ideas when they are reading.  Some people need to just close their eyes and listen when a teacher is talking.  Some people need to read the information to remember it.

    Think about what way you like to get information and incorporate it in your study habits.  So if you're studying is reading and re-reading - and you don't remember - try writing down the main ideas or the topic sentences in the book that are in bold. Do you do better when it is test time?  Then that is what you need to do.  If not - do the same thing again - but this time to study read the headings and bold sentances out loud to yourself - or record them and play it back.  If that works great.  

    You might need to try to diagram items to show how they are related, Like a venn diagram (look it up if you don't know what it is)

    In any event - you just need to figure out a way that works for you and it will be worth the effort.

  6. My daughter is in highschool and she has had a learning dissability all through school. She is smart, has awsome common sense but she gets frustrated because she says she can't remember for long term what she learns. She has long  term memory difficulties. A doctor we recently went to mentioned to me that her situation deals with her Hippocampus in her brain. This is where short term memory is transferred to long term memory.  Following is a website you may check out for more technical information. Basically what she has to do is just go over and over the material repeatedly until it finally sinks in.

  7. Iam like that, and yes im in Special Eductaion. But if u hav a test cuming up, it could just b anxitey. Wat i think u shoul

    d do is this:

    If u do hav a test cuming up, maybe after it, if u still hav this problem i would recomend to see a doctor.

    How long hav u had this problem?

  8. gosh im like that!

  9. My friend has that.

    I think it is a learning disability called dyslexia.

    You should get some special education.

  10. It could be test anxiety. Is this your only concern/symptom? With out knowing more, I'd have to say no. Add more details, and then I'll know whether or not it is likely.

    This is a list of symptoms most commonly seen in Learning Disabilities. There are of course other symptoms, and you probably won't have all of these either.

    This link provides information about each of the most common learning diasabilities in more depth.

    From the sounds of it, your still in school.If you are, talk to your guidance counsler, and she can probably reffer you for help/tutoring, regardless of whether you have learning diasabilities or not. If your no longer in school, talkk to your GP. They can refer you for testing (which may be costly).

    The important thing is, whether or not your have LD, you are smart, and if you can find learning strategies that help you, your grades will definitly reflect it. Best of luck to you :)

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