
Is this a legit miscarriage or did it..stop?

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My girlfriend who has been told she was close and at risk for a miscarriage, who is 10 weeks pregnant as of now. has bad pelvic pain and cramping for 2 weeks straight, no bleeding.

One day she spots, (wiped herself and saw blood) red blood. Cramps persist.

Then she starts bleeding for the next 4 days it goes up and down in intensity. At times light and at times kind of heavy. Cramping persists.

Pregnancy symptoms start decreasing.

The 5th day she starts bleeding heavier and the cramps are much worse, she passes chunks of blood, or blood clots at different points during the day.

On the 6th day there is light bleeding with cramping as it has been. On the night of this 6th day, the bleeding stops while the cramps persist.

On the 7th day there is slight cramping and no bleeding.

On the 8th day, there is no cramping and no bleeding.

So why did she stop bleeding? does this mean the miscarriage has happened and is now completed, or rather does it mean it is not going to happen? In other words, is she somehow all of a sudden out of the clear and the miscarriage just stopped and her and the baby is ok and the pregnancy will go on or simply did the miscarriage finish and run its course? Or is there more bleeding to come? thank you and god bless

She says that she doesn't think she miscarried because she still has pregnancy symptoms and because the bleeding stopped.




  1. If in fact she was pregnant, I'm pretty sure you can rest assured that she isn't any more. Why didn't she go to the hospital? Bleeding and cramping during pregnancy is NOT normal. Look up on line miscarrage.

  2. She miscarried and it ran its course. She wouldn't bleed forever with a miscarriage. It would be hard to fathom with that much bleeding, cramping and passing chunky clots, that there would be any possibility that she was still pregnant. She will still have pg symptoms until all the hormones clear out of her body.

  3. Please tell us she's reported this to her doctor! Any heavy bleeding, especially "chunks" should be reported right away to her OBGYN. They can check her using an ultrasound to see if the pregnancy is still progressing. If she is bleeding and spotting alot when pregnant, take good care of her by making sure she stays off her feet, gets lots of rest, and doesn't get stressed.

    Good luck, and get that gal in to see her doctor pronto!

  4. Well it sounds like she has had a miscarriage sadly to say. When I had mine, I had the same symptoms. I was still have pregnancy feelings but then one day I spotted but then it wasn't until a few days later I had cramps and bleeding and then the clots came and it was a really bad and painful experience. It sounds like it ran its course and now it's over. She should go to the dr and get checked out and they can do a vaginal ultrasound to see if she did indeed have a miscarriage and if so to make sure that it all passed on its own because that can be dangerous. Good luck.

  5. I have suffered 6 misscarriages and have bleed everytime for a few weeks with bad cramping and blood clots, had to have 4 d/c! i'm 4 months pregnant and had bleeding,cramping and clots for a week at about 5 weeks.So i'd suggest she has an u/s to see if everythings alright! all the best.

  6. Have your girlfriend take another pregnancy test. If she miscarried the test should be negative. You can buy a cheap one at any 99 cent store.

    I have read that spotting and cramping is sometimes normal in the beginning of a pregnancy but I am not sure about the blood clots. I am concerned for the 2 of you and your baby. Have your girlfriend see a doctor soon.

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