
Is this a mind of ignorance?

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-doesn't understand how people are bisexual

-doesn't understand how g*y guys and lesbians go to prom together these days

-does get how a girl can hang out with a guy that likes guys and girls, and who is finding himself

-doesn't understand that experimentation doesn't MAKE you g*y/bi, but just helps you get more clues/even to know if you're straight

-thinks all black girls have natural "rhythm" and the ability to do hair

-does understand how a black person doesn't how to dance

-thinks agnostics are against the christian god.

-thinks jazz is for old people

-does get heterosociality aka preference to associate mostly/only with the opposite s*x for MORE than/NO sexual reasons.

-Yes, they think that because Obama is black, he should be in office.

-Thinks boys should play sports

-thinks that if a boy is tall, he should play basketball, and that tennis isn't a boy sport

-thinks anime is stupid

-calls Hispanics Mexicans

I answered my question, but still:

How to I get a person like this to understand that these things aren't "crazy" like they think, and that they are just different.




  1. You can try and show he/she that some of the things he/she believes isn't true, but you can only do so much if the person is close-minded and refuses to try and understand.

  2. Yes, he/she is extremely ignorant.

    And yet, I don't think there is much you can do- it's hard to really change someone's mind. Try introducing this person to other people who share the opposite opinion than him; if there's a lot of people who believe something outside of his own idea of what's right, then maybe he wont find these things "crazy". Show him/her a short person playing basketball, or watch guys play tennis with him- it's on TV all the time!

    I think the best wya to get through is to be persistant, and dont expect fast results. He/she needs to be accustomed to all these new ideas you are introducing to him/her, and it might take a while to get used to.

    Good Luck :)

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