
Is this a miscarriage, if so why did the bleeding just stop?

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My girlfriend who has been told she was close and at risk for a miscarriage, who is 10 weeks pregnant as of now. has bad pelvic pain and cramping for 2 weeks straight, no bleeding.

One day she spots, (wiped herself and saw blood) red blood. Cramps persist.

Then she starts bleeding for the next 4 days it goes up and down in intensity. At times light and at times kind of heavy. Cramping persists.

Pregnancy symptoms start decreasing.

The 5th day she starts bleeding heavier and the cramps are much worse, she passes chunks of blood, or blood clots at different points during the day.

On the 6th day there is light bleeding with cramping as it has been. On the night of this 6th day, the bleeding stops while the cramps persist.

On the 7th day there is slight cramping and no bleeding.

On the 8th day, there is no cramping and no bleeding.

So why did she stop bleeding? does this mean the miscarriage has happened and is now completed, or rather does it mean it is not going to happen? In other words, is she somehow all of a sudden out of the clear and the miscarriage just stopped and her and the baby is ok and the pregnancy will go on or simply did the miscarriage finish and run its course? Or is there more bleeding to come? thank you and god bless




  1. your best chose is to call the doctor, if the bleeding lasted that long it is a good chance that she lost the baby. if she didn't then the doctor might be able to tell you why.

  2. she should go meet a doctor and gets in checked

  3. please dont worri she will be fine,i blead the whole way through for 9 months.just tell her to relax and have hot baths and the early stages you have to expect changes,as the womb grows you will get cramps and alot of them like you have when you have ur period. as the baby imbeds it self in womb, the womb will contract.see the doctor quite often.gudluck

  4. Sorry to say but it sounds like she did have miscarriage naturally. She needs to go to the doctor for them to perform an ultra sound and make sure all tissue has passed, otherwise this can lead to a nasty infection.

  5. hi

    I am sorry you are experiencing this. I have miscarried, as have many women it is very common as many as 1 in 4 or 5 pregnancies end like doers sound like a 'complete' miscarriage. At 10 weeks, the process only takes about as long as a normal period but the clots/chunks in the bleed give it away- i myself had spotting for several weeks then a lot of blood over 1 night..then a heavy epriod with lumps/chunks for 3-4 days. I was offered a D&C to complete the miscarriage but i declined and did it naturally.

    I am sorry for your loss and wish you luck in the future dont be put off most women who miscarry go on to havea  normal pregnancy

  6. i think its best for her to go to a doctor, if it was a miscarriage theres a chance she will get and infection. Or there may be a chance the baby is in danger.

    however my expirience with a miscarriage was similar. heavy bleeding, light bleeding, heavy, light then a sudden stop.the cramping and pain was also intense/

    good luck

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