
Is this a miscarriage or has it somehow...stopped?

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My girlfriend who has been told she was close and at risk for a miscarriage, who is 10 weeks pregnant as of now. has bad pelvic pain and cramping for 2 weeks straight, no bleeding.

One day she spots, (wiped herself and saw blood) red blood. Cramps persist.

Then she starts bleeding for the next 4 days it goes up and down in intensity. At times light and at times kind of heavy. Cramping persists.

Pregnancy symptoms start decreasing.

The 5th day she starts bleeding heavier and the cramps are much worse, she passes chunks of blood, or blood clots at different points during the day.

On the 6th day there is light bleeding with cramping as it has been. On the night of this 6th day, the bleeding stops while the cramps persist.

On the 7th day there is slight cramping and no bleeding.

On the 8th day, there is no cramping and no bleeding.

So why did she stop bleeding? does this mean the miscarriage has happened and is now completed, or rather does it mean it is not going to happen? In other words, is she somehow all of a sudden out of the clear and the miscarriage just stopped and her and the baby is ok and the pregnancy will go on or simply did the miscarriage finish and run its course? Or is there more bleeding to come? thank you and god bless




  1. first of all a doctor is a must, but it is possible that a misscariage is iminet. she needs to be off her feet and in bed. It could possibly placenta previa, where the placenta is resting over the cervix. that can cause bleeding, sometimes clotting. and it can happen the entire time your prego. This happend to me. and i have a perfecly healthy son. Now, she could be miscarring. That happened to me aswell. I had slow browinsh bleeding for sevreal days w/mild cramping, then it seemed to stop, and the I ahd bring red blood, with HORRIBLE cramping. and I was 6 weeks along. her being 10 weeks, it would be alot worse cramping, and she would know if she would of passed the baby. God bless, and I am praying for the situation, mother and baby!

  2. Well, I think your girlfriend miscarried. :( See, when you miscarriage, your body hemorrhages from the inside causing bleeding in the inner pelvic area. The uterus contracts causing cramps and bleeding so I think she miscarried. You should go to a doctor and if they confirm the fetus is dead, get a uterus suction. They with do a vaginal suction to suck out the dead fetus while your girlfriend is on heavy medication. Also, if she miscarried, you might want to go to psychological sessions, because 60% of girls whose baby dies from either miscarriage or abortion tries to commit suicide and has heavy depression.  

  3. You really should see a doctor.

  4. *frowns* hate to break it to you hun, but it's highly likely that it was a miscarriage.  get her checked before she gets sick form it.  or in case i'm wrong, to make sure it didn't hurt the baby.

  5. okay, you have to act very quick. dont take any chances, if you can call your doctor right away or go to the hosipital like right now, because it can be very serious because you are not supposed to bleed when your pregnant so there is something wrong and you guys better go check it out. NOW.

    wish you guys luck and hopefully the baby is fine and healthy.  :)

  6. I would go see a doctor or OBGYN to get a professional answer.

  7. What she experienced is not normal in pregnancy.  It sounds like she had a miscarriage, but it's hard to say without performing tests and an ultrasound.  Please be sure she visits her health care provider to be 100% and for follow-up treatment (she needs to be sure all products of the pregnancy have been expelled from her body).  

    Wishing you both all the best.  God bless you, too.

  8. I am sorry, i know how desperate you must feel for someone to tell you everything is ok.... to be completly honest, it doesnt sound too good, HOWEVER, miricles do happen, i would call her dr in the am and explain what has been going on, if they dont already know and they can do an ultrasound that should be ale to give you some more info. Take care and get her checked, if it was a m/c then she needs to be evaluated to see if she is ok. GOD BLESS!

  9. it sounds like a miscarriage, with the clotting and all.  but i would think shed still be bleeding if it was. either way, bleeding and clotting can not be good.

  10. she needs to get to the dr. asap.  a fetus can die with little or no spotting on the part of the mother..if this has happened and the material does not pass, an infection can set in, hopefully it is simply spotting and cramping that can happen in normal pregnancies, either way the doctor needs to be involved

  11. she REALLY should have gone to a doctor when she first saw blood spots.

    but the chunks of blood sound like the baby was lost.

  12. A miscarriage rarely stops without medical intervention.  It looks to me that the miscarriage has happened.  You should get your girlfriend to the doctor ASAP so she can be checked to make sure that everything passed through.  If any pieces of the placenta are still left inside, it can cause hemorrhaging and other problems.  Best wishes.

  13. Sounds like miscarriage. The chunks of blood that she saw was the fetus passing from her body. She needs to see a Doctor ASAP as to prevent infection.  

  14. She should have called her OBGYN when the cramping first started.  It is possible she had a miscarriage.  Especially given the clotting you described.  She needs to go to the doctor and have them do an ultrasound to be sure.  Only the doc can tell you for sure.  Good luck.

  15. It sounds like the miscarriage is complete. Passing clots is not a good thing. But she needs to be examined by a doctor to know for sure.

  16. i would suggest going to the er..if she passed clot she might of had a miscarriage hopefully i m wrong..but it is best to see a doctor so they can do a ultrasound to see whats wrong...wishing for the best for you guys

  17. Has she been to the ER?

    Get her to the hospital!

    If she did miscarry, her insides need to be cleaned out.

    All sorts of stuff can happen if she doesn't get checked out,

  18. I'm sorry, but it sounds like she has had a miscarriage.  She does need to see her gyn to make sure that everything is okay.

    Be prepared even though the pregnancy may be over, there is still a lot of hormones in her system and she will probably be very emotional.

  19. wow, umm, im no doctor, and i really think you otta go see one. That doesnt sound good.

    Sorry i cant offer help, i wish the best

    god bless

  20. I must insist that you go to a hospital to get this checked out. I imagine that you love your girlfriend and that you are concerned about her health and the health of the child if this was not a miscarriage.

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