
Is this a neurological problem or depression

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Alright im having kidney and bladder problems, i have multiple chills in bursts kinda like twitches sometimes i have blurred vision or go crosseyed without even realizing it. And i lose my balance. Iveonly drinken milk and a drink of apple juice today. and sometimes i forget whats happened earlier like i cant remeber what i ate today.




  1. Your syptoms could describe a lot of maladies, some of them potentially dangerous. It doesn't sound like depression... it sounds like you need to get to a doctor.

  2. It sounds like you're having bladder and kidney problems because you're not drinking any water.  I have kidney issues a couple times a year and have had to make it a real habit to drink more water than the average person.  Also, you have not eaten today which would give you the blurred vision and loss of balance.  The chills may be caused by a fever if you have a kidney infection or bladder infection.  

    You didn't fully describe your kidney/bladder problems.  My opinion is that you need to see a doctor if you are having bladder/kidney problems because that can get extremely serious.  You also need to drink water and a lot of it.

    EDIT: Are the pains in your bladder area in the front or lower back/side pains?  Do you have a fever?  Does it burn when you urinate?

    ****The pain could possibly be kidney pain, especially if you are running a fever.  If you have been admitted before for kidney's you really need to get to the doctor, it's not something to mess around with.  Hope you get feeling better soon.

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