
Is this a new sens?

by  |  earlier

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When looking to a food to know about what % it contains harmful sustances - for example to see a cake and to know it contains about 30 % harmful substances and about 2 % of them impact genetic scheme and this to be manifested after 2-3 generations?

This is not anecdote as one of my friends, ecologyst and believer only in Nature says she asks quite often her invisible advisor /she thinks this is Earth info database/ when shopping.




  1. Yes, it is call nonsense!

  2. When looking to a food to know about what % it contains harmful substances, you must absolutely ask quite often your invisible advisor / Earth info database/ when shopping.  After 2-3 generations, your genetic scheme will be substantially impacted, even if you eat cake infrequently or if the cake you eat has less than 30% harmful substances.

  3. Sounds like your friend is having a real challenge retaining contact with reality.

  4. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Interesting thought but nothing to back it up.
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