
Is this a no good poem?

by  |  earlier

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came with out a word

created my whole world

shine my day with smile

kiss my night goodbye

ever since don’t want to go

without you i have no glow

but all is well, its for you

bear this hitch with out an itch

distant but wont be lost

but hey I wont lurk

create my dream as you my wish

thanks to you, it will be real




  1. Take notice of what Mike has said for there is good advice in his words. Remember also, there is no such thing as "A no good poem". All poetry can be adjusted to suit the reader, even if the interpretation of the poem is misunderstood.

    If you like it, that is the end of the matter. What we say is is only what you have requested.


  2. the meter seems all off and the whole thing seem kind on cliche. Its not horrible it has potential. Try matching syllables from line to line. Read your poem out load and see if you can fix some of the flow issues. overall not bad, fix this one up and keep writing and also keep reading other peoples poems to get some inspiration...good work though, at least your trying.

  3. It has promise but the flow is all over the place. Also the way you are wording some of the sentences is not right

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