
Is this a noraml teen issues???

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okay so I'm not close with my mother at all matter fact we don't speak at all and we live in the same house but with my dad its another story we're very close and talk bout mostly anything but we have our fights but the next day we're back close but with my mother i have this built up hatred for her to the point where anything she say or does bothers me...this all started bout five or six years ago when my parents started arguing alot mostly about me cause she believe in heavy discipline and my daddy didn't so one time after alot of arguing she like up and moved out for about two months the whole time she moved out she tried to buy my love and kept pushing that if they divorced i should choose her and all which if didn't really want to but soon later she moved back in an tired to run everything which i felt she had no place cuz she left us here's where the hatred began so her leaving an coming back kept over the year still to this day an the hatred kept piling up by this time me and her started have terrible arguments and even a couple times physical fights an them she like quit her job for no reason putting all the money responsibility on my daddy he has a good job so he made everything happen this i resent her for cause stressed out my daddy but he's not the type to complain out loud an now she just kinda has nothin to do with my life[even though my parents arent divorced] except to tell me something i cant do an now im older(17) an im making an effort to keep peace cause it really bother my daddy when theres some kind of problem with us so i guess my question is my hate justified???




  1. i have that exact problem, my dads job takes him away for 4-6 weeks at a time and my mom doesnt work so shes always home. i am way closer to my dad then my mom, but whenever she talks or does something it bothers me alot too. she just annoys me.

    but i think its a normal issue. to me it is at least.

  2. Yes, this is very common for teens Good luck

  3. Please learn to use the period. It looks like this, " . " . It goes between sentences and helps make a story such as yours comprehensible.

  4. Yes, this is very common for teens.

  5. NO!!! Absolutely not.  Sounds like you have the typical strict mom.  I had/ have one.  I realized that through her strict rules, was her expression of love and concern, because truly if your mom hated you , she would not give a dam what you did.  But she imposes rules and tells you what not to do, because she fears for your safety and well-being.  THis is a dangerous society that we live in and predators look for young naive girls, such as yourself.  Your mother, being older, knows this.  Get over it, you only get one mother, stop seeing her as the enemy and try to communicate with her.  I am sure she feels left out and sad about your relationship,and she probably doesnt know how to get through to you (teenagers are a strange creature). But actually sit down and talk to her, find out about her childhood and maybe that will give you a glimpse into why she is the way she is.  It wont her to try to mend your relationship.  

    And the biggest key to mending you relationship is to let go of the past.  Its over and you only relive it through your thoughts.  She is with you now, that is all that counts.  People make mistakes everyday, just be thankful that she returned.

  6. hello x

    i really do understand how you feel at this moment(sort of goin through the same thing),, i think you and your daddy could do with a little holiday just you both.. also speak to him about your mother and how you feel about whats going on in your life..

    it seems like your daddy is to nice to your mother and she takes advantage by giving up her job so he got to pay for everything..

    i have added you as a contact.. feel free to email me :) im 14 years old and a girl x

    i know all this puts you down and unhappy but please stay happy for your daddys sake.. when you feel upset ,write down on a bit of paper what your upset about and keep it for a while then when your happy go back to what you wrote and somehow you will wonder" why did i feel like that"

    most people have a bad patch in there life but life goes on.. what i suggest is you talking to someone you really trust( not in your family) like on a helpline .. eg childline.. when you tell them whats wrong..they will give you some help on what to do.

    all the best x and i hope i helped


  7. I understand where you are coming from, my parents got divorced when i was in the 4th grade and dad has kept the job, I'm closer to him, and he pays child support and alimony and its four of us.  For a while i wouldn't talk to my mother either and i had my reasons.  As i got older though, i realized some people don't change and you can decide what will be best for you.  You never know what you may end up regretting later on if you don't do something about your problem in the near future.  Just remember, life is not guaranteed, but you don't have to be fake and act a way you don't feel, just try to come to a common ground.

  8. Woah!  Take a breath!

    You are a teenager.  I would say this happens to all teenagers.

  9. yeah you defiantally have a right.

  10. Woah,that didn't make much sense,you went so fast.But do what your heart says,she is your mom no matter how bad she behaved,you must speak to her and never hate her,cause she was also the one who kept you and went through the pain of 9 months and even gave birth to you.You guys may not like each other much,but don't start hating her cause "HATE" is a really strong word,she is your mom after all.You are 17,you will move out soon,carry out some pleasant and loving memories,these may be your last years of living with you parents.Make the most of them.



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