
Is this a normal fetish?

by  |  earlier

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I am strongly attracted to female armpits. Not hairy ones (although I like a little stubble), and only on attractive women.

Is this normal, or creepy?

I find myself staring at women in sleeveless shirts. If they raise their arms, I am compelled to gawk at them.

Any random thoughts on this?




  1. Um I never heard of this but I guess it's normal.

    I mean you like what you like right?

    It's not like you can change it.

    GOod Luck!

  2. I have never heard of this but, I do not think its weird no difference in that and having a foot fetish in my opinion.

  3. hey what we like is what we like!

    who cares if its diff rent everybody has there own thing!

  4. never herd of that one

  5. its weird  

  6. ehh.. kinda weird but hey its u lol

  7. Lol never heard that one before, but whatever floats your boat!  

  8. thats why its a fetish, its not for everyone, its for you though... go get your armpits man.  I for 1 find it strange that everyone feels the neeed to shave their pits.  Nothign wrong with natural.

  9. Your a really creepy person stop or you might end up in jail.

  10. I've never heard of that one before, but it's not a fetish unless it's something that you absolutely can't get off without.  You probably just like female pits a lot.

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