
Is this a normal thing?

by  |  earlier

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I work in an environment that is hot and is primarily men. Today I worked with a female worker and we worked in the hot area several hours. Sometimes as we work we get into some weird positions and my face was near her shoulder and with her sleeveless shirt, I caught several breathes of her armpit. What is bothering me is that her scent gave me instant stimulation (erection) and I became aroused. I had to gather myself a couple times in fact. She apparently wears little purfumes or deoderants. Has anybody else found this to be or am I just wierd, it really freaked me out. I don't think she noticed and I sure won't tell her but is this NORMAL?




  1. It's normal, trust me.

  2. A CONCEPT OF NATURE: just like in animal world, have you heard the deer's musk during mating season.. since you said that you have been working in an all male environment that usually occurs especially sexual deprivation. natural act of manhood. you probably dont notice you far hornier in hot humid place than i colder areas... believe me man, shes hornier than you are... notice it but not to the extent of peeping.. girls just know how to keep it....

  3. Sure, pheromones can do that.

  4. well you couldnt help it. its fine..your used to sweaty smelly men all day lol (:

  5. your so lame, bro

  6. uhhh i think it is your just aroused easily i guess i heard that men tend to get aroused by certain smells like lavender and vanilla

  7. Whew... is it getting a little steamy in here... or is it just you?

    Ahhh, the scent of a woman is intoxicating and you are under her spell.  Yes, it's normal.

  8. well it isn't are probably just aroused by her womanly doesn't really mean you get off on her armpit sweat, unless it really smells like BO, then maybe thats a little sick lol

  9. normal.

    atleast she didn't see. hehe

  10. Maybe it's normal for you but the thought of smelling someones sweat is just gross to me. I worked in a warehouse with other women and the smell was not the least bit pleasing.

    Is this what people call a fetish?

  11. Sounds like somebody is feeling a little frisky... I thinks it's normal.. It means you dig chicks and are turned on by them! How old are you?

  12. This is completely normal. Humans are animals and, like other animals, we release pheromones. Pheromones are chemicals that convey messages to others about our fertility, our general health and possibly even our emotional states. Many experiments have been done with women during various stages in their menstrual cycles to see which kinds of men they prefer. Women who are fertile, when smelling the dirty shirts of various men, usually prefer the shirts of men who are more "macho." Once women are pregnant they prefer the shirts of men who are more nurturing. Mind you they are choosing the shirt and never meeting, or even seeing a picture of the men to whom those shirts belong. Likewise, male participants prefer the scent of fertile women to women who are already pregnant or menstruating.

    What this means is that we convey signals to each other through scent. The woman you were working with may be fertile at that time and her lack of perfume/deodorant allows her natural scent to come through. Your body is responding to her fertility on a neuro-chemical level. This is completely natural, normal and nothing to worry about.

    What is unnatural is the shame you feel about this. Somewhere along the line we got the cultural message that s*x is dirty and bodies are dirty. This makes you feel like there might be something wrong when, in reality, your body (and hers) are doing very natural, very healthy things.

    No need to worry. I'm sorry if it embarrasses you. That must be difficult. Try your best to keep your mind on the job at hand and to be respectful to her. Masturbation (in a safe, private place) can be an excellent way to take responsibility for, and control over, your libido. If you know you will be working with her in the future, you might want to minimize your urges by preempting the situation, so to speak.

    Whatever you do, don't feel bad about your very natural and healthy body and don't blame the woman for her very natural and healthy body. Without these kinds of chemical attractions, none of us would be here.

  13. sure.

  14. No it's not normal. People do not react to stimuli.

    Please see your doctor immediately. A lobotomy is suggested after asking this question.

  15. is she hot? and no thats not wierd its good that means yur into girls almost 99 %

  16. yeah it happens. Don't worry about it.

  17. that is weird not normal

  18. Maybe its just that you are attracted to her not because of her smell. It could just all be in your head

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