
Is this a normal thing that babies do?

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Okay so my baby is over 2 months old he recently just started to eat a lot more before his bed time and his usual amount he would eat. He eats about 5 oz in about an hour and he spits up a lot and two times he trew up. Could it be possible that his appetite is bigger than what his stomach can hold? I tried to give him breaks in between oz. but he just cries and cries because his hungry. Is this a normal thing babies do or do I need to take him to get checked? Please don't be rude this is my first baby and I never been around others so I have no experience.




  1. Try to burp him more often.  Does it come out his nose??/maybe he has acid reflux.  If so it's not a big deal.  Your baby will eat as mcuh as he needs, maybe he is growing alot right now.  From what you are saying i think he is fine, however if your worried call the nurse just to check.  Godd luck

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