
Is this a panic attack or psychosis?

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About a week ago I consumed a certain very powerful hallucinogenic substance called 5-meo-dmt and I've been going through h**l lately. When I was tripping on the substance, for about 7 minutes I felt like I was forever going to be stuck in an alternate, foreign, alien dimension, where, although I could still somewhat see what was happening in the 'real world' we inhabit, everything I ever knew, felt or understood, including my own identity, was nonexistant. All the while the following thought was constantly going through my mind "this is all wrong and irreversible". The feeling is indescribable: kind of like a mix of sheer terror, mental discomfort, loss of identity, alienation, lack of structure..

Luckily the trip was short-lived and for the next half hour I only had an out-of-body feeling and incredible appreciation for still being sane and alive. All was well.. until yesterday. I was about to go to sleep at around 1 a.m. I lay down. And I started experiencing what might be called psychosis. I imagined that my pillow was about to project warm, negative energy into me. Same about my cell phone. They were about to shoot their evil pulse waves. Which could pull me back in THERE.

I turned my PC on again to distract myself, but it didn't work too well. I was afraid of entering the parallel dimension again and I was shaking in fear. I somehow managed to get into my bed after a few hours, at which point I had to keep combatting the urge, the draw, the seduction of the evil, uber-scary, universe to pull me back there. It's like a mental battle and the only weapon I had was to try to imagine something CONCRETE. Doing something, a physical, real-world activity like driving a car. I also tried entirely clearing my head of thoughts and this often proved to be effective.

Somehow I managed to sleep a bit. I'm walking around like a zombie today, still fighting it a tiny bit, keeping my guard up. My towel scared me..

Should I keep on fighting? I think I could manage this for a few days and it would go away soon enough. Obviously, I don't intent to touch any psychoactive substances until I feel all's well again.




  1. I have panic attacks quite regularly, and have spoken to many people who experience the same, and what you're describing seems absolutely incongruous with anything I've ever seen/heard about. I don't even know what to tell you because I don't use any "substances" but I can with fair confidence rule out a panic attack.  

  2. It is psychotic to take drugs. You could be the poster boy for not taking drugs. Never ever take drugs again or you will get even worse. See Daniel Amen (MD) link on this site. He has brain scans to show you what damage you are doing to your brain. He says not to hit a soccer ball with your head but what you did is like doing that 5,000 times.

  3. Not psychosis and you have no brain damage.

    You traumatized yourself by having a bad trip. It is basically a form of PTSD you are experiencing now. I am sure a few combat vets know that feeling. That reaction happens a lot and is probably more common then you realize, but people are afraid to admit it because they think they will be labelled a p***y. Even seasoned users have this happen to them on occasion.

    Also look up HPPD on google.

    Either way you are not nuts and contrary to all the rumors, most hallucinogens don't damage anything, but they can freak you out so bad that you feel f*cked up for a long time afterwards.

    You may develop a long term anxiety disorder due to the trauma of the trip. Watch out for that.

    Personally, I quit all that. I never found any great truth by tripping. All it does is jack your world up for a while.

  4. You have anxiety. Psychosis means you are out of touch with reality, like you truly believe your mom is a lion.

    Anxiety is notorious for making you feel like you are in another dimension even though you are in reality, and this happens in people who have never touched drugs. This is called Derealization.

    What the drugs did do is give you panic atacks or an anxiety problem. i agree with Witch King, you basically freaked out so bad that your brain is like "WTF just happened to me?" and is trying to sort things out.

    You have no damage but I would recommend quitting. Obviously you now know why 5-meO-DMT is illegal.

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