
Is this a paranormal experience or not?

by Guest33293  |  earlier

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One night last year I was laying in bed with the lights off. I was staring at the wall when suddenly, a face kind of "morphed" from what seemed like dust and it appeared on the wall. At first i rubbed my eyes as i thought i was just seeing things, but then it didn't go away and began to develop "arms". It looked like it was trying to reach out and grab me and at this time i wasn't sure whether it was a ghost or if i was going mad. I hid under my covers for a few minutes and when I came out, it was gone.

I'm not a believer or a disbeliever in the paranormal, but it has crossed my mind that it may have been a ghost of some type. Opinions?




  1. wow um that seams like somthing off an email. but mabey.

  2. Starting to dream.

  3. i dont know if i beleve in ghosts eaither but that sounds really creepy.  i guess it could be a ghost but the human imagination is pretty big too. lol

  4. That can happen its not necessarily a paranormal experience. Sometimes eyes do that.  

  5. This may have definitely been a paranormal experience. The ghost was trying to manifest itself. It takes a lot of energy for a ghost to manifest itself, and it is very difficult for them, so they can't stay manifested for very long. This explains why you only saw a face and then slowly arms. It was trying to show itself to you by manifesting, going to visible form. It may want to communicate to you and/or tell you a message. When you went under the blankets, it could have ran out of energy or noticed that it scared you. If you think it wanted to give a message, be open to it and let it know you are aware of it and you want to help it. I have experience with the paranormal, and feel free to email me if you need any help.

  6. i dunno if its exactly a ghost it could be a bad spirit. But def some weird ****.

  7. i think that you defiantly did have a weird experience..

    maybe a relative that has passed away previously was trying to contact you.  when you hid under your covers the ghost was probably worried that you would get scared and just disappeared.

    go to a ghost website and email the owner of the website. sometimes you can tell them a story and they will tell you what it was, who it was, why it happened etc.

  8. Here is a piece of advice for all you kids out there: Stop smoking crack!!!!/

  9. It definately was!

    I have experienced three things:

    I smelled my grandmothers cooking 2am in the morning at my mom's house. Earlier, that week she was thinking about her mom and she felt something  woosh through her!

    I was sleeping and then I heard these voices, which partially woke me up, I couldn't tell what they were saying and I couldn't make out if they were male or female!

    Recently, a voice woke me up and it said "your gonna die" 3x in my head! Pretty scary when I think about it but at the time none of the above did.

    I am not sure what happened to you. I wish i could help.

    Go to some ghost websites. has a thread under ghosts. YOu could read about people's experiences and get some links.

  10. Perhaps it was, but without any photograph, video etc. It is hard to tell.

    However, there is something called pareidolia or matrixing which is a built in mechanism for recognising human form, it is especially prelevant at night or in low light.

    Might be worth researching these two to see if that makes any correlation with your vision?


  11. there cud be a probablity of both...

    human eyes see much more than what they r supposed to see... sometimes they see even the ghosts and other odd things...

  12. I consider it equally possible that you could have seen a ghost, or that you might have been dreaming. Lots of people report experiences like yours.

    I do have other, far more personal questions that I would need to ask, as well, which would not be appropriate on an open forum. However, these aside, your experience does match up with a lot of peoples' experiences.

    Just don't be afraid. If it was going to hurt you, it probably would have by now. A little recognition for the ghost probably won't hurt.

  13. Just because something looks scary...doesn't mean it is. Just because something looks beautiful ..doesn't mean it is.  Would it have scared you that much if it had been a beautiful woman (which might have been something evil in disguise)? It's the same with humans and animals etc. on earth. It's just a shell...doesn't mean it looks the same inside. Still...I would have been scared too. I spent lots of nights with my head under the covers.

  14. I would say your eyes were trying to adjust to the darkness, and trying to focus in on a shadow.

  15. Definitely sounds paranormal. You should set up some kind of surveillence system, a camcorder or voice recorder. See if it happens again.

  16. If you had seen it in the supermarket you might be onto something but since you saw it while laying sleepily in bed the verdict has to be Dream!

  17. I could be. it could also be the lighting playing tricks on your eyes. it really depends on how long the lights were off.

  18. Yea I can see how you would get scared. IF you don't have much experience in the Paranormal it can creep you out. Mine did. I wanted to Ghost Hunt so bad when I was 13. TAPS inspired me. Well on my first investigation. I was taking random pics and I knew about shadows, apparitions, and orbs and all I had on me was digital camera.I was taking pics and I got this shadow like 3 feet away from me once I looked over and saw that evidence, I was like awesome I got a ghost then I thought about wait it was like it was staring me down. I started getting creeped out but I went on more investigations. And got something last week. Everybody I know is afraid of there first paranormal experience. It won't hurt you.

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