
Is this a period or implantation?

by  |  earlier

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i am 6-8 days late!!!! i have all pregnancy symptoms BUT today i have brownish light red blood when i 'check' ( it doesn't come out on tissue its just when i use tissue to check if I'm bleeding at all ) i have had one small smear on tissue when urinating. my question is - is this my period coming or is it implantation= if it started this morning surely id be fully on by tonight, i get slight cramps but it does go away quick. i did have a negative test today but I'm wondering if its due to lack of hormone as could only pee a little bit or due to implantation not fully happened yet

seriously i crave milk, am sick gained pounds, sleeping loads, i have it all.





  1. been there. i was late for almost 2 months. i even have this brown thing for 3days and then i got my period. if you really want to make sure go to your doctor. i hope that its not the same thing happened to me.. and i wish that its only the implantation that is not fully happen yet... good luck.....

  2. It's hard to say if your pregnant or not. Yes sometimes when you first fall pregnant you can get slight bleeding during the implantation period. Also you may get bleeding and cramps during the time your period should be. If you are already 1 week late i would have thought a pregnancy test would have picked this up but as you say might not have been enough urine. If you have another test i would test with your first pee in the morning. As for symptoms you are getting i think it would be to early for you to be getting any but from very early on i had really tender b*****s so it might just be that everyone gets them at different times. Try and do another test tomorrow. It should tell you as you are already late. x

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