I took my daughter to get her ears pierced. When her brother noticed she had studs in he got really upset. I took him to his bedroom for a private chat. Thinking he was upset that she’d been hurt, I explained she had wanted them for ages, and now I thought she was old enough to make her own mind up. Getting them put in hurt, but she knew it would and still wanted to do it, but she’s fine, she loves them and they don’t hurt now.
It turns out he’s jealous of the whole ‘girlie thing’. Because she’s a girl, she has pretty shoes, lovely dresses & skirts, can tie her hair up, and now she also has pretty pink ear studs in and one day will be able to wear dangly earrings, makeup, perfume and nail varnish. Because he is a boy, he has to wear plain shoes & clothes, and can’t do any “pretty thingsâ€Â. Is this a phase, a child psychology issue, a strange kind of ‘sibling rivalry’, an early sign of orientation or something else altogether?