
Is this a plan b birth control side effect?

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I took the plan b birth control over a week ago and then I got my period. First my period was brown and then it was red and now it keeps comming back brown. When I think my period is gone, it keeps comming back. This is the 3rd time its come back. Am I pregnant or is this just a side effect?




  1. thats a side effect. it happened to my girlfriend when she took it. I think of it as assurance that you're not pregnant, especially since it keeps coming back and its brown and not a pinkish light color

    oh ya and your period should regulate over the next 2-3 months, as in get back on the track it was on before, like what time of month you expect it.

  2. Probably a side effect.  I know that the plan B pill changed my period for several months... Supposedly it can't do that, but I am pretty sure it did.

  3. side effect

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