
Is this a police warning? if someone got telling of from a police officer?

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for a street use of cannabis and there name was taken down is it a street warning or a warning,if there was no arrest and they were adviced to be careful in future




  1. It sounds like a street caution, no further action will be taken but if you're caught with cannabis again you'll get arrested. Street cautions are usually given out to people with a small amount of cannabis for personal usage. It will go on your criminal record.

  2. There's no such thing as a 'warning'. If the person was cautioned they would have been taken to the police station first.

    Its called a verbal slap on the wrist.

    Midnight ashes - 'it will go on your criminal record'? but you have to be charged with a criminal offence to be given a record in the first place, so what are you talking about?

  3. No a name check doesn't constitute a formal caution, they can't keep this on any sort of recored unless you have been properly informed about it. It doesn't mean anything more than a personal warning.

  4. If your details were just recorded by the officer then I would suggest that this is just an informal warning.  If the officer decided to take more official action then he/she would have conducted a short interview about your cannabis use and informed you that you would be listed as an offender for cannabis use.

    In this instance, it appears that the officer used their discretion in advising you of your behaviour.  Take this as a warning and heed it in the future.

    Cannabis is still illegal and has recently be re-classified to a clas B controlled substance.

  5. Yes this is a warning, as their name was taken down.

  6. In the Uk if you are found with a bit of canabis on you, and you admit its yours, then you will get a street caution for it.

    This is done on the spot.

    If you deny it, have a bit too much ,are dealing or are near vulnerable people (schoool etc) then u will be nicked.

    If u keep getting caught then you will go to court.

  7. no, it is not, forget about it, it was nothing.

    your name will be in that police mans note book nothing more so  don't worry about it

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