
Is this a possible pregnancy symptom??

by  |  earlier

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im not trying to get pregnant, but I have slight stomach discomfort, but the main thing is whenever I have to pee, it feels like my bladder is extremely full. This has been for a few days now...some people said a UTI, but I also heard this could be a pregnancy symptom. I dont wanna waste money on a test until I know for sure its a symptom. Thanks!




  1. Well u need to see ur obgyn,but if it was a uti it will hurt when u pee really bad to u feel like u need to go to the er

  2. See a doctor.

    What you are describing could be a number of things.  Pregnant or not, sounds like you have  UTI and will need treatment of some sort.

  3. is your period late?  

  4. you also get that feeling when you wee too much and then you drink heaps of water then you get bloated and can't stop weeing.

  5. That sounds more like a UTI than a pregnancy symptom. In early pregnancy women feel the need to urinate often, but I know I didn't feel like my bladder was full when I peed.

    Not ALL UTIs cause pain when you urinate...How do people NOT know this?

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